I hear you on that one Sam. I'm tired of the waiting nonsense with that game, so I'm afraid it's time for drastic measures lol: I think what we need to do is set up a time for 6 people to meet there on a ps each day (or evening) and have 3 play as cops and 3 play as thieves. The cops can cooperate and not play while the thieves try for the rewards. Then the people who play their 3 as thieves can reciprocate the favor for 3 games as cops. I see no other way as the game is being played so seldom by people in the space it seems....and when they are your chances off actually getting a thief reward is so slim. Just a thought--anyone who might be interested post here and we can set up a daily time. I can supply the server if we have 6 committed people.
Hopper I am very interested in doing that, I was wondering if something like this would be set up eventually. I want that music player so bad -_- The thing that annoys me the most is having to wait in between plays even when there are people playing lol.
ok cool-so we all need to agree on a time. Unfortunately, mornings won't be the best for me on most days. So far we have myself, Tara, Sam and Brock...we need 2 more and then we can try to establish a good time for everyone. I know Sam is +5 hours from EST as well, so we need to consider that. Maybe 4 or 5 pm EST? Idk--chime in with any thoughts. It wont take long to give it 3 tries and I know we may not be able to do it EVERY day, but at least we can try to outsmart my enemy Mr. Random somehow.
If 4pm EST works for everyone, how about we just leave it at that for now. If it turns out that only 3 or 4 of us show up maybe we can find 2 or 3 other friends online between us. I'll plan on being there at 4 pm tomorrow and we'll see how it works out. If this time doesn't work for Tara or Sam or whoever else is interested in doing this, just post and we'll figure it out.
It seems I'm not the only one who has the avatar name that's high up. I'm seeing a few of the community has their name high as well. I'm pretty sure whatever bug it is, it's almost spreading slowly around everyone now.
edit: was going to say id be here today if anyone else was, but something came up at the last minute & im not going to be on today. sorry guys, maybe later this week or next if people are still looking :/
AH! Was wondering where you were yesterday. Are we playing today again? I'm home today so I'll be there if we are. ☺
I can help if you don't need require yen. I'm tapped out. I have no clue what you are doing. Sorry I haven't been paying attention. But if you need another body.Me and labrat are always happy to help a friend.
Thx FF. If you want to stop by tomorrow at around 4 pm EST you are more than welcome--be good to see you. No yen required for this one. Basically we are just setting up games with 3 cops and 3 thieves and letting the thieves run free and try to grab chests for the random rewards. The rewards are ridiculously random tbh, but we have fun in the process of at least trying to get lucky.
Oh my, just noticed we've already cleared this months grand edict. Roll on the 1st, for some more statues
Maybe we'll get something different. I'll have to check the board when I get in later. Lots of firew irks in the sky now.
Real nice grab on that one Sam--probably one of the most difficult and annoying rewards to get in all of Home lol It has been fun hanging out there with everyone, despite my perpetual FAIL with the game.
eep.... that's a little early for me. ... I really shouldn't be in Home during the afternoon. Bad enough I do it on Weds. ^^;
Luchian and I would love to join in on the private thief game. Let us know if you are going to try getting together again and we will be there. ^.^