Is this the one we were chatting about yesterday? Has anyone else had an issue where the daily visit bonus XP isn't working?
Thanks, I'll speak to the producer (not sure where he is at the moment!) and see if he is aware of an issue I'll let you know as soon as I have something back from him. Joey
I have a minor issue for you, the Los penguini brothers friend leaderboard has never worked for me on my main account, but works fine on my others. Is that due to the size of my friend list?
nDreams Announce Blueprint Announcement on our front page...... here are some additional screen shots....
Is that a prison space?!?! will we finally have a place for the tards and other riffraff to go?!?! :eh:
Hi again Joey, I have another question. Will the new Blueprint house also be a clubhouse? I don't use apts anymore really, and I'm sure many others would like this as a clubhouse as well.
Joey, did that idea about the picture frames as ornaments not interest you guys? That idea originally had alot of support, but with the forum move, all the "likes" are gone now.
Certainly not trashed ! It is in the mixing pot with all the other ideas we have floating around!! So, interested to see feedback on Street Move full body outfits...At the moment you can't release packs of animations, we really want to and that is the reason for the dance moves being wrapped up into the full body outfits. Hopefully sooner rather than later we can release animation packs, we are researching the possibilities of that and how we can do it (it's more difficult than finding the Higgs Boson). If we could do it, what kind of animations would you like to see?
Blueprint: Home Style Packs Blueprint:Home. It’s created a bit of a buzz and the feedback we have had since announcing it has been fantastic. As release rapidly approaches (official date coming soon!) we wanted to share a bit more information on the additional style packs that will be available to help personalise your new apartments. Let’s get things kicked off with the Classroom / Office Style Pack. This fantastic pack has everything you need to create your perfect classroom or office. Purchasing this style pack will unlock the following items for use in your Blueprint: Home: - Three new feature items – Desk, Computer and Whiteboard - Two wall styles - Seven wall textures - Three floor textures - Three ceiling textures - One pillar style - One outer wall style The Classroom / Office Style Pack will be released shortly after the release of Blueprint: Home and will cost £1.99 / €2.49 / $2.99. Blueprint: Home Style Packs |
Seriously...People always beat me to posting! I'm just going to stick to posting it on our pages and then coming and gathering feedback!! thanks Eve! Interested to see what people think about Pricing on the pack.