I think we should all posse up in RDR some night to contribute to the XP challenge for the new Home rewards. It would just be fun to clear some hideouts and see a bunch of you somewhere besides here or in Home! lol Let me know if anyone is interested or has an idea for a good time/date to meet up on there. (and no, dont worry....I wont be wearing my Tarzan underwear when playing RDR and I'll try my best to not shoot any posse members! lol) Actually, how does tomorrow night (Sat 1/22) sound? 8-9 pm EST--or maybe earlier in the day for EU friends? We can open a chat room (or MAYBE even use headsets for those who have them....imagine actually getting to hear some voices...oh nooooo! lol).
I would like to do this, but be warned I'm a total noob at this game. I'll try to get some game time in real soon so I don't fail too badly!
No worries at all about being new to the game or whatever (i'm no pro either trust me lol). We wont be competing or anything...just hanging out and shooting some bad guys and whatever we do will increase XP for everyone individually and contribute to total XP for the Home rewards. Giddyup now..... and two more thoughts--we could create a private free roam session so it will be just all of us in there---helps to eliminate the random user who likes to jump in and just start shooting people to make things aggravating. (I hate that! lol) ...and for those who dont have the trophy in the game for creating a full posse (8 members) we could always switch up posse leaders to earn that for people.
This sounds fun, I would definitely love to get in on this Hopper Heads up, the XP has to be earned in Public free roam, can't be Private. I remember reading that somewhere that it's only XP in Public that contributes to the overall XP bar and not that earned in Private.
On a side note, just checked the Social Club site for the current stats. PSN - 20.92% Xbox - 19.92% Already 1/5 of the way there, keep it up
I would be down for joining the posse... I'm rusty so I think I might play a little before hand so I can at least defend myself a little bit from random noobs that come along. Oh, and I could definately use the posse trophy.
I tried playing multiplayer last night and I was so bad I couldn't kill anyone. Really depressing. I'm not sure I even know how to party up.
I don't use a mic either... but if auto aim helps I'm game to try. I have no clue how to join a posse. I did it once and that didn't seem easy as I recall. I'm game for the 8 to 9 EST slot.
Jo, to join a posse just push select then R1, choose the player who's posse you want to join then push x and propose new posse or join posse if they're already in 1, do the same if someone invites you to join their posse, just select their name and accept posse invite XD
Hey, sign me up doc since you are on my buddy list and notice you are playing it. Wouldn't mind get the YPSH posse going and so we can all get the XP meter going and unlock those sweet RDR costume and Ts schwags!..I will be playing it tonight Saturday on my own with RDR, so if any of you interested on posse up we can do that as well I can show you guys some sweet glitches too in RDR too..LOL..Take care.
Ok... my computer is right next to my PS3 at the moment so I'll use this as a reference. LoL Note: I hate the look of my Avatar. Can I use Chloe from Uncharted Among Thieves? I'll even settle for Donut Drake!
If you picked up the Liars and Cheats DLC digitally via PSN Store or on the Undead Nightmare disc you can unlock Bonnnie MacFarlane in an instant as online multiplayer character.
The Red Dead Redemption Rockstar XP Challenge has officially begun, ladies and gentlemen. Grizzled veterans and greenhorns alike in Red Dead Redemption multiplayer on Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network will be on equal footing as the entire online population works starting today to unlock special avatar rewards for their respective platforms. In lieu of the originally announced "Skin It to Win It" and "I Shot the Sherriff" Challenges to unlock these avatars, the test will now be for players on each console to harness their collective XP earning skills online and get that thermometer up from zero to 100%. Here's how to do your part. Boot up your platform of choice and jump into any Red Dead Redemption multiplayer session. From Free Roam to Grab the Bag - whatever your pleasure. Enjoy your multiplayer game as you normally would and when your session ends, all of the XP that you accumulate will be automatically added to your platform's XP grand total. You can track the progress of both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 earnings via the live XP thermometer right above in the page header. ok thx Chad--good catch there. This is what it says on the social club site, but because it doesnt specify public/private really, maybe we should just plan on public free roam to be safe (doesnt really matter--we will just have to shoot any troublemakers! lol). Jo-there are a couple of simple things that I think will make it easier for you that I didnt get at first either.....as you mentioned auto-aim on is best (casual targeting setting in options). When I first started playing I was holding down L2 thinking it would just auto-target one guy to the next, but you have to release and press again for each new guy that you want to aim at. Sounds kind of elementary, and maybe you already knew that much, but it made all the difference for me when I realized it. Also, we can start a XMB chat room when we play so if you have trouble joining or need more tips we can communicate that way. (I know you will be real good at it once you know the controls with all that UC2 multi-player experience!!). Do we still want to plan on 8pm EST or would an earlier time be better? Glad to see all of you that want to do this. It will be great to see everyone in-game...we will be the most feared and deadly posse that RDR ever knew! lol WOW...PSN is already at 23.36% on the XP thermometer! We should be able to get that to 50% by tonight! (ok maybe thats a bit ambitious lol).
I would come but its like 2am for me, plus the link to confirm my email for the rockstar club don't work still for my US id so the tasks are still locked.
Dang, now we have to saddle up as a gang of eight or YPSH8!! If I won't be able to join in I will lead my own posse and we can all follow each other via location warp from the wagon wheel or simply ride from point to point. Man, soooo stoked with tonight's session. It would be big and we ride hard! ~__^ Polish his Buffalo rifle and get ready from some distance Dead Eye..Hee hee
Wonder why your U.S. e-mail wont register? I'm not sure how they will handle these rewards to be honest, but it may not even require being signed up on the social site. Also, we can move the time up to this afternoon if you want Carla--it sure would be great if you could join us. Would 4 or 5 pm EST be any better?