I think a low new content count this week is to be expected. With all the focus on E3 these two weeks, I'm sure they want to keep the focus on the big event. And save the new market stuff for when E3 is gone and when we need new things to keep us interested in Home.
The Bigyama Ultimate Furniture Collection Details on six new furniture sets this week from Bigyama : There is an Ultimate Bundle available that includes all of the above.
Win our new furniture collection! We are a looking for a new cover photo, send us your best pictures of you and your friends wearing your Forthstar clothing for your chance to win. Our favourite 3 will win the 'Bigyama Ultimate Furniture Collection' releasing in Home this week. Winners will be picked on June 20th at 9AM PST so Facebook, mail or tweet your entries today! https://www.facebook.com/Bigyama
went into home after the update The home spaces scheduled for removal are still there. Even E3. Only thing gone is the Lockwood E3 items. Lockwood lounge has a new gift bag. And they changed the community egg rule to include red, blue or green eggs. X7 doesn't have a new freebie. New Bundle is gnomes and some odd furniture. The X7 preview bundles are $15 for items that cost $5 if you buy them separately..... @_@;
They deleted the $50 bundles. The $15 bundles in x7 have been reduced to $5, I think. But individual item prices of those items went up.
i used the code on my vita and it didn't work. can i only use it on ps3? opps i put the code in wrong that's why it didn't work. i got it to work :clapping:
I don't have a the Loot Light or Camera. But my friend told me they lowered the number of slots they take up!
I have the loot camera and they lowered it to 12. I hope they start thinking about lowering other old active items.
It turns out the $50 No Man's Land bundle wasn't a mistake. It was initially pulled because it was supposed to contain every upgrade for the game. It's back now.
thanks Julie! I don't think I'll be getting that. Price is WAY too high for a Home game. Maybe I'll buy a weapon if I can use it on my avatar
thanks for the info next comment isnt aimed at you its just an observation, so instead of it being an expensive bundle it becomes the most stupid bundle in home history because if ive bought the best weapons and armor why would I use the weaker sets,
ive had a lot of friends leave home and this could of been the game to make them take another look at home, instead it enforces and strengthens the reasons why they dont come on home.