Hello everybody! I wanted to drop a quick note in here to do a quick introduction and say hello. I am Joe Dale and I am the new Digital Product Manager for nDreams so I am going to be responsible for our back catalogue of products as well as having a key role in the development and marketing of new products. Now, that isn't all I'll be doing. Something I am pretty passionate about is community (not the TV show!) so expect to see me here as well as in Home milling around our spaces. I'm always open to hearing feedback and answering any questions you all have (bare with me while I get up to speed though, only easy questions to start please!!). So while I am getting up to speed and feel free to add me on PSN - nDreams_Joey - and find me in Home and also you can follow the @nDreamers twitter account. Right, that's about it! Oh, one last thing, when I am up to speed the lovely people here at yourpshome.net have said they will set up a developer thread so look out for that over the next couple of weeks. Looking forward to speaking to everyone JD
Ah that is a good point, it is an EU PSN ID...I will see what I can do about setting up something US specific!
Hi Joey! Nice to have you here! Since your the new goodie guy maybe you can persuade the boss to give out generals hats at halloween this year, but not like fast years fiasco where we spent an entire day in aurora hoping for one and leaving sad and empty handed. I'll make sad puppy eyes for you if it helps. :sadwalk:
Hi Joe, it's so nice to see someone from Ndreams taking an interest in the community! Your comment about back catalog of products excites me. Do you have any info about the Mansion 13 place mentioned back in January? My friends and I thought that place looked fantastic and have been waiting to buy it, but since it's been 6 months since it was announced we kind of gave up on it! It would be fabulous if this had a simultaneous apt AND club release!
It was renamed to savage manor :thumbsup:But yes some info on it would be great, I'm kinda curious about the space too. XD