Captain Conrad knows there is more than one of you out there who post in the wrong forum and don't clear your cache. He's fed up and ready to make the scalliwags walk the plank. Help stop him by coming to the Sink Conrad Max event this Saturday May 19th at 6PM PDT/9PM EDT in the Cutthroats space. To join follow hosts Conrad_Max, julie_love, StephieRawks or add Welcome2Home. Rules 1. Conrad can choose anyone that attends the event to be on his crew. 2. Conrad can select another captain and ship to be his ally during the event. 3. Upgrades can be used by any participant4. We'll take a few breaks during the event so that all those in attendance will be able to get on a ship and participate! We're also using this event to raise awareness of what Memorial Day is all about. For many of us it's a chance to take a trip or go shopping. Memorial Day is meant to honor those who have died fighting for our country. Conrad is in the US Navy and he seemed like a great choice to participate in this event. This Memorial Day please take time to remember those that have died fighting in our Armed Forces. Thanks to those that helped out with the invitation picture: ArgentHawk Conrad_Max drake21734 F1REFLY_SEREN1TY julie_love StephieRawks Tbaby2008 Location: F1REFLY_SEREN1TY Photography: Welcome2Home
I say if you sink that sucker a certain number of times he has to promise to not post anything on the forums anymore. That would probably be asking a bit much though as he obviously enjoys his spot on the forums' "top participants" list too much. Oh my what would he do if his name wasn't present any longer on the forums? Dear oh dear lol Whatever floats your boat.....
I'm going to get razzed, but Conrad Max was a very friendly self-effacing person when he came over to do that photograph. he wasn't in the least bit like his reputation on the sony forums. Admittingly, I avoid the Sony forums alot. So I don't have any real history of conversations with him. But I've noticed people are friendlier and easier to get along with in Home, than on that forum. Btw, since it's commemorating Memorial Day, and all the soldiers that gave their lives, wouldn't it be cool if we all dressed in a military theme? Soldiers, Sexy sailor girls, etc
Sinking Conrad sounds like oodles of fun. That guy needs to be sunk a few times and get off of Sony's jock.
Yes it's only for North America and there will only be once instance so getting there early will be a good thing to do.