Anyone want to donate to help me get a new PS3? Currently I own a 40gig phat PS3. The disc drive hasn't functioned for more than a year. The console makes lots of bad sounds, that it shouldn't make. It's always been kept very clean, so I have no idea what its problem is. All I know is, I don't trust these phat PS3 models, at all, anymore. So I would love to update to a slim. I have nothing to sell that's actually worth anything. I would REALLY, REALLY, REALLY love to have a job, but I'm pretty screwed out of being able to work. I don't collect squat from the Government. Friends and family have told me to see if anyone would donate, because of my lack of options. I'm not looking for sympathy and I don't even like posting this, but desperation has gotten the best of me. I don't have Paypal, which really blows. But there's always other methods. If you really want insight on my life, in case you think I'm full of crap and just looking for a handout, I'll gladly give it to you.
Awe Fluffy, Sorry To Hear About Your PS3 .. I Also Have A Phat And I Believe Its Coming To Its Doom Soon As It Slowly Loads And Makes Noises Now And Then. Soon I'll Be Looking For A PS3 Myself But The Thing Is I Prefer The Phat PS3's Over The Slim; Few Friends Of Mine Bought Slims And Nearly All Have Died On Them With Few Months To 1 Year Span. I Hope You Get A PS3 Soon Or Later Fluffy! Fluffy
Sorry to hear about your troubles. : ( I still have a Phat and it has been around for almost 3 and 1/2 years and it still sounds normal... so they aren't all untrustworthy.
If you've been keeping your PS3 clean, the only other advice I could give is be mindful not to let it get too hot. Ensure there is good airflow all around the system. Keep it out of direct sunlight. And try not to play for extended periods. Next time you ask for donations ensure that you already have a paypal account set up. All you need is a bank account, even if there isn't anything in it. It takes about a week or so to set up. No one is going to snail mail you money, or do any of the alternatives. I'm not sure how popular you are here on the forum or on Home, but even if you had a paypal account I doubt you would have gotten enough donations to get a new PS3 system. Or heck, even a new PS3 game. Having said that, try to look at the bright side. Your PS3 hasn't died already. So be thankful for that, and enjoy it while you can.
Yup, that all sounds pretty familiar. Does yours also have a slow response to actions? I've noticed mine doesn't always respond as it should, if I select things on the XMB and when I exit things. Sometimes, it makes me think my PS3 has froze, but no, it's just not good with responding to things as it used to be. I'm really hoping it will last a while longer, yet. At least for the rest of this month and part of next. I found a U3 bundle 320gig PS3 for $299.96 online at one of the stores I go to in real life. Now, last weekend at the same store, I looked at 320gig on its own and it's almost $400.00. So I think I'm going to go with that bundle, even though I'm very unfamiliar with the Uncharted games.
My Phat Response Changes From Time To Time .. Sometimes It Just Hangs For Few Seconds Longer Than Expected; That's When I Get Scared .. It's Unpredictable. I Have Had My PS3 Since 2007 And It's Lucky Enough To Not Hit The YLOD But From What I'm Seeing And Hearing .. Its Time Is Near Then Again It Last That Long So I Guess Its Lived Its Life Span. I'm Hopeing My PS3 Doesn't Give Up Just Yet Because I Won't Be Able To Afford A New PS3 Straight Away .. I Got Other Expenses :/ That Uncharted 3 Bundle Seems Like A Great Deal! Just Make Sure You Get Some Sort Of Warranty On It. If You Have A Bestbuy Or Any Electronic Store Around That Sells PS3 Bundles Like That Uncharted One Which Offer Warranty .. I'd Go For Those Because You Never Know What Can Happen. Its Better To Be Safe With A Warranty Than Sorry. As For The Uncharted Games .. You Don't Have To Play Them .. Its Like A Bonus .. The Uncharted Series Has A Pretty Decent Story Line And Amazing Detailing In Its Overall Gaming Experience. If You Get That Bundle, You Can Pick Up Uncharted 1 & 2 As A Package For Like $25 - $30 In Case You Wanted To Play All 3.
get a paypal dont see how we donated another way maybe a chip in idk but when find out i donate really i will ^_^
I keep backing stuff up, just in case. I'd be very unhappy if I lost everything. Lol. It comes with a optional 2 year warranty, which I really want to have.
Oh I Would Be The Same, Lol .. All My Game Saves And What Not .. I Would Be So Sad If I Lost Everything Its Definitely Good To Have Warranty .. My Warranty Expired Last December For The PS3 I Have .. Its All Hope It Doesn't Die Anytime Soon Now .. LoL