New Men in Black Content for PlayStation Home. Looks pretty sweet! Edit: Coming soon (Sony Speak)... thank you Karen.
I'm looking forward to this. I'm hoping Frank isn't a standup. I haven't heard he's a companion. But if he is, that is going to be a must buy for me. The cars look a little low rez for me. But I'll be happy with something that large.
Lucky for us there is a probable deadline of just two weeks. May 25 is when the new movie opens in NA.
i wonder if we will be getting the same items as EU. even though i have all the items i want from there.
I think we are going to get the same items. I'm really just surprised we didn't get that content this week. Not sure why it's so much different that the EU. Obviously the space is ready to go given all the people how appear to have been to it already.
The monocycle looks like Mr. Garrison's gyroscope bike (I believe he called it "it") just without the gay flexi grips he uses to operate it. LOL! XD
I don't think anyone has unlocked anything new. But with the rewards bug, it's hard to tell.[/QUOTE] suppose to be mib shades available no one has got em yet
I helped a couple of random people out in the HQ today, showing them where to get the rewards. One of them was wearing the anime mask from the wb package last year and as he entered the offices it changed to him wearing the glasses and he got them as a reward. I still haven't got it tho