The Diesel Island personal space came upon PS Home in EU last year in July. At first, it created buzz because it was a new beach, and we all love the beach don't we? As time went on, it never sustained the popularity it sustained in those first few weeks. Now, it is leaving for good in just a couple of days. The space, developed by Veemee for Italian clothes designer Diesel, was large and had an interesting design. If I had to guess why it was never widely accepted, I'd blame the poor lighting. I purchased the space when it first came out, but quickly forgot it and rarely used it. Until this week. A long time friend in Home, Cuddlypaws, told me about "strange sounds" in Diesel Island. At first, I thought these were "crossover" noises from another space in Home. I experienced that first-hand in Japan Home. So last night, we met up and she showed me where these sounds were. Much to my surprise, they are not "crossover" noises. These sounds were "baked in" on purpose. They are consistent and they have a "range" just like any sound does in PS Home. "Crossover" noises are faint. You can easily tell the difference. Two spots are on the perimeter of the pond area. One is a series of sounds in a loop that sounds like footsteps in snow; someone eating something; and footsteps on metal stairs. The other sounds like a ping-pong game. On one side of the beach (again at the perimeter) there is the constant "tick-tock" sound of a pendulum clock. OK, so now I'm curious. Veemee contracts out for sound design. Why would they pay to have this done for no reason? Is it Diesel's strange sense of humor or is there a reason these exist? Posts have appeared that suggested there was a hidden game room that could be accessed if you solved the mystery. So far, that has proven to be false. Cuddlypaws pointed out to me that the items in the store for Diesel Island have "clues". I checked that out. They do all have strange descriptions. One, a "dimensional gate", even suggest that something might happen. I have all of the items that were sold for Diesel Island and have them all out in the space. Nothing. Now Diesel Island is leaving. It appears that coincides with Diesel's ad campaign itself. Maybe because the campaign wasn't successful? BrandChannel said this about Diesel's ad campaign: "While projects like Diesel Island are certainly good diigtal exercises to keep the creative muscles flexed, it's questionable exactly what it does for the brand. In fact, going deeper down the stupid hole seems to be an inexplicable brand strategy, communicating nothing about the brand. The initial campaign may have been eye-catching and buzzworthy for its… stupidity, but such a dynamic extension of stupid doesn't really seem to have a brand strategy behind it." Is there a mystery yet to be solved on Diesel Island or is it just Diesel being Diesel? If there is a mystery, will it disappear when it all disappears from Home next week? This weeks PS Blog post on the EU Update said, "Finally, Diesel Isalnd will be sinking from sight in PlayStation Home on Wednesday the 25th of April. You’ve got one week left to rescue some of the Island stock from the Diesel store – such as The Tropical Paradise Beach Crib, A.I.- B.O.T. or Aunt Mildred. Coming soon – more news on what’s next in PS Home for Diesel." It will be interesting to see if Diesel comes back with new items for PS Home. If they do, I hope they improve the lighting
Diesels brand has a sense of humor of its own hens type writing, glowing fruit, funny noises, w flag made of jeans, even the personal space description eludes to a secret games room, quirky space great for a doom nut
This is what happened to the island. :sleepy: [video=youtube;yeXARP9dmL0][/video] [video=youtube;0ljPuSfPbSw][/video]
I was actually happy with the lighting. I think the main reason I didn't go was because of fams and merge glitch hackers. I also think for the most part of it's life, people had Irem's Seaside which people were emotional attached to. When we lost Seaside most of us didn't go to the other beaches, we just lost alot of interest in beaches in Home. Not saying Red Bull didn't get a little bit of traffic. And the Lockwood Yacht's beach was great to glitch to. etc
ah ok Now I get what you meant by it's being dark. I appreciate being shown the personal space version. Now I have to decide if I want to buy it before they remove it next week. It's a bit expensive. It's a nice space. If it was daytime I would buy it for sure. I like the furniture items by Diesel too. But at $2 each it's more than what it's worth to me.=)
anyone seen LocoRoco Island ? it has beter beach and sea side than Diesel Island and Mui Mui music would drive you nuts in no time xD MuiMui lalalaaaa Mui Mui and i dont understand the rest now why would they stop selling Diesel Island?? !! nothing like that happened to any other space before ....????!!( i could be wrong here)
it just a week or two ago we lost the Red Bull apartment in the mall. that was too bad. I'm kinda surprised Red Bull's space got pulled before Diesel. Diesel has been in Home longer and I would have expected them to pull out sooner when their contract was up.
it appears the clothing is staying but the beach, apartment and furniture are gone as it says we will have to wait and see whats next for diesel
Farewell Diesel!!!! You gave us our first sticker shock in Home. And your prices were high. But we'll miss ya! Thanks to everyone who came! This picture was taken about 30 seconds before the beach was lost for good.
At the rate we are going in a years time we will be giving museum tours round our long lost personal spaces.
Goodbye Party for Diesel Island: [video=youtube_share;ZFgmlgGHmbI][/video]
its in a pic 5 posts back, if that egg came out of the chicken that was on beach with a type writer, then its got a real problem lol
i saw it after i posted it sorry i did not look at first just a mistake on my part ;D[/QUOTE] which came first the chicken or the egg lol