To celebrate Karen's birthday let's shower her with gifts, in the form of cannon balls in the Cutthroats Game in the Black Powder Cove space. Today, 4 PM Pacific, 7 PM Eastern. Cutthroats space. Follow kwoman32, julie_love or Welcome2Home to join us. Rules 1. Karen can choose any 3 people at the party to be in her crew 2. Karen can select 1 other ship to be an ally and help defend and attack others. Wear your pirate gear!
I had a great time while I was there. Sorry I had to leave early, I had other obligations. I hope you had as great day irl as it seems we all did in Home!
I had a great time over this past weekend.... in Home and in real life. Thanks! It's nice to be with drama-free folks who are fun to be with!
I wanted to be there but NaughtyBits(my new DCUO hero) was keeping me busy But I totally blame Elmo :crossi:
It was really fun. Shame I had to multi-task between Fashion show rehearsal and sinking ships. Shinking ships won out however!