There is an announcement at the top of the forum page announcing it will be leaving April 11th. Personally I loved the beach there. I rarely used the other spaces. It was an awesome photo shoot location for me. Not too happy about that. And oddly enough they only recently updated the space. ___Hey Home Community, Our partner Red Bull's time in PlayStation Home has nearly come to an end, and all of their content will be removed as of April 11th, 2012. This will not affect any content you have purchased (virtual items or the House of Skate) or earned (Rewards). As we try to give you as much notice as possible, here is your earliest-possible notification. If you like some of their stuff, but haven't picked it up yet, do so now before it's gone forever! Specifics:Public Spaces: 1. Red Bull Air Race public space 2. Red Bull Flugtag public space 3. Red Bull Ilume public spaceVirtual Items: All purchasable Red Bull virtual items and rewardsPersonal Space:Red Bull House of Skate personal space —GlassWalls
This is quite a worrying trend that seem to be happening. I enjoyed the spaces and games, even though air race was extremely frustating to complete.
That is sad. The House of skate is one of the best personal spaces to gave been released. The beach was my favorite of the three spaces and I'm sorry to see it go.
We should really know the real reason behind this. Red Bull is to popualr for them to just take off, I hope that this will make them change thier minds!
I'd assume that developers have contracts and most of them have been running out lately and not renewed. But that's just me ;D
Good point there. But I think if enough people rally to get the space back, they'll have to keep it, Red Bull hasnt been on here long anyway.
I think would most are finding odd, is the fact they not all that long ago had a big update to the spaces and a personal space. But when contracts are up and a company don't want to renew then little can be done.
I'd better get the remaining Air Race rewards then, but I really enjoy thier spaces, they're a lot of fun to hang out with friends with, and im sure I will miss FlugTag!
I got only male stuff from the Air Race. Did you guys managed to get the female ones too? And I also bought the Skate personal space, does that have rewards too? I didn't even visited it yet.
Red Bull had Gender Strict Rewards. So if your a male avatar, you get Male, cant get the other gender, I found that out a few weeks ago .
Thanks Jo, I'm thankful you told us! I wouldn't have known. It's too bad. But I'll admit I don't go there. The beach seems too cold temperature. I prefer diesel beach
Okay, good to know: Do you happen to know if the personal space has different rewards too, or is it the same with the vending machine one?
Jan 09 the red bull air race was the first public space released outside the core 4 spaces, it seems that unless you release chargable content on a regular basis your days in home are numbered, also means when the personnel space games and video breaks down there will be no one to repair it
...not a trend I expected to see when Home first started for some reason, but I guess we all know now that there are time limits on some spaces in Home (promo space or not), whether it's due to poor management, Sony being difficult to negotiate with, lack of profit, lack of traffic, expired contract, disinterested developers or "technical problems" that can't be repaired. I've seen some of these reasons used by Sony "officials" when spaces have disappeared previously, so who really knows. They just keep spinning the web.