Share your home April fool jokes here, seen a few already, heres one from the web, homes first dating site at
Normally I can decode typos, but I'm really not sure what you were saying here. Hacking a dating site? :eh:
Google Maps today for April 1st: 8-bit Quest Mapsand press the "Quest" button in the upper right hand corner of the map screen. I didn't know how to get the Quest mode activated at, but you can still enjoy the streetview map in glorious 8-bit VGA!
I Remember Someone Saying The Message Of The Day Was Edited On April 1st To Include A Joke .. I'm Sure Some People Fell For It You Were Suppose To Find GlassWalls In Home, Type AFW And Cheer I Believe .. And You Would Magically Fly :laughing:
I saw that resistance 3 had a pretty good set of april fools items like the Chimera throwing lawn gnomes at you
My April Fools Joke: Free Game Developers Conference 2012 T-shirt code here! [APRIL FOOLS!] - AL2009man
Sorry, no April Fool's joke here, but I want Carla or Jo to make a SHORT music video, "Ship Of Fools" with dogs on one pirate ship fighting cats on another in Home, occasionally cutting to a scene of them dancing. Just need someone to pick the most apropos song that would be the ultimate funny. ::