Hi all, As you can tell i have had to take the site offline a few times over the passed few days, but I'm sure you want to know why. Basically YPSH as become subject to a DDoS attacks from a other 'Home' site, one that deal's with hacking and glitching of Home and other things PS3. I'm not going to go into details on this but you can be sure we know who is behide it and will be passing the information on to the right people to deal with them. Has for this site, I'm doing everything i can to keep the site online and stable and you can be sure your personal information is safe and not been touched.
u mean another home website is attacking ypsh? here r some home websites i know, alphazone4.com, sonypshome.blog.com, pshomegazette.com, and gamerindepth.com
We know what site & who and it's none of them, but we have warned them to be on the lookout for attacks on their sites. We will not say who in here because its a legal matter.
I do hope that whoever is doing it is caught and fast. S#&t like this is completely pointless and childish. All it really boils down to is cyber bullying and trying to make a name for yourself.
Well more losers on the internet. Seriously people have nothing better to do with their time than to create mischief. Says a lot about how successful this site is for them to even take notice. Thank you for all that you do.
Clearly some people are very childish and petty, thanks for keeping us informed and keep up the good work Carla. XD Hopefully the group responsible will be dealt with properly by the authorities, for this unnecessary attack.
Shame people have to feel that they need to attack one of the best playstation home fan site's out there, Grow up whoever it is.
Sounds like a bunch of teenagers, that get their ass kicked every day, then go home and take out their frustrations on people over the internet. Hope you won't have to deal with this crap for too much longer, Carla. This is one of the best Playstation Home sites out there. It's a shame morons are trying to ruin it.
Forgive my ignorance here, but if this was done by the site that I'm thinking of--one that is dedicated to hacking Home item servers and whatever else, does Sony not have any legal recourse to have them shut down? I've never understood why their engineers, legal team or whoever, can't simply access the site for themselves to see what they are doing and have the people who operate the site prosecuted, if there are in fact applicable criminal charges.
You know the weirdest part about these hackers who attack game companies, game websites, and other such things, is that these are the nerdy kids in school who are all about games. They are probably being bullied by the jocks, and instead of targeting those types of things, they target the things they actually like. Seems pretty self destructive to me. I'm all for ideas of Anarchy, but I wouldn't start it in my own home, you know.
sometimes its better to know where these people hang out than to drive them to new site after new site
The sites having a full system clean out, things will come and go, some might not be added back also.