I completed all the challenge in SF-vs-TK space, received all rewards. Thanks for the people there helping me out.
Now lets all hope that the sfxTekken space does get removed the 14th as they have said,,,, It's time to move on... As Obi-Wan says These are Not the Droids ur Looking for....
Well, I think sony will keep sf-x-tk space but move it to independent space. (let other people a chance to unlock rewards) I do agree take it away from the hub for good.
considering we still have the other 3 TGI, I can't see this game disappearing, NA will probably give it it's own space like EU and HK. Why are you so eager for it to disappear anyway? Surely it would be good to keep it for the future new home users.
I guess the reason why he wants SF-VS-TK space disappear asap, b'cos it ruins the original view of the hub. And, it gives rooms for new events, and let people to get more rewards(freebies).
Actually I believe he wants to have the whole thing terminated from Home, just like what he said with the other spaces when he's finished with getting the rewards from it.
Yep got it all done. I don't need to see it... LOL! Well if it moved to it's own space well ok. But we always get logged into the HUB so it needs to go. HA HA! And if it were to stay everyone later would get them and make the rewards pointless and millions and millions will have them in that case. Called way to many going around... Limited is better... Something to look back on Later and say remember 2012 when we got these... Oh Yeah those were the days.
As I posted in the EU thread Journey space: get together with 5 other travellers- Cloth Fish Companion collect all pieces of cloth and light all posts- Journey Statue