Today I saw a dress with snakes on his shoulders. I had never seen it, nowhere in any of the stores and rewards in EU home. Do not have time to take a picture to show. May be its reward from Soul calibur 5 ?
There's a shirt with a snake on the shoulder, was just released in EU a few weeks ago, if you saw it on a dress then it's likely that shirt was merged with a dress.
No, is not shirt, I think that this is just for female, because this dress make the breast slightly bigger. Something like this But with green snakes just at each shoulders
Oh!! That'll be from ndreams, can't quite remember what it's called though, but it's under the same range as another outfit that was given free during the welcome back package. Edit: Just looked on their site and it's in ndreams Fantasy Fashion range.
This is Fantasy Fashion - Amazonian Tribal Bundle Thanks Shaundi 5 carats - its big diamond - reward for 5 real marriages
Hey I keep getting a notice in EU about AutoSave is disabled and if I want to have anything saved I must delete something. No other region is saying this, so I'm wondering if this is a thing unique to EU, or if I truly am out of space on my PS3?
Your PS3 might be out of space, i had the same thing happen for me to US when i went to home, i went to the cache and reseted it, i lost my furniture layouts, but i kept my purchases
I thought if that is true, why do I have no issues with any of the other Homes, or while playing games? Maybe a good ol Clear Cache will take care of the issue, I just hate downloading all the spaces again, oh well. Thanks for the heads up.
Just read something interesting over at, does anyone know anything about this? Has anybody been to the PSVita space? | PlayStation® Community Forums
Journey space: get together with 5 other travellers- Cloth Fish Companion collect all pieces of cloth and light all posts- Journey Statue
Wait are they saying the Pier Park with the Star Wars game and Cheez-It game is in EU? WHAT? Someone know of this PM me.