Lol. Especially when he knows I have trained the creature to hunt him. Oh, silly Dante... You'll come over one way or another. :devil: That was the first thought that crossed my mind, when I seen them. I played it safe and just bought the bundle that came with both spaces and the furniture. Plus, I couldn't decide if I wanted the space as a club or as an apartment. I'll let you borrow my extremely high voltage taser gun, when you meet him.
Why's everyone gotta have a taser when they come around me AND uhmm why'd I never get an invite to your club fluffy
Move along... nothing to see here... It's nothing... nothing *at* all. It's not us 31337 N1NJ4 LURK3Rs. Nope. It's just a trick of the lights... yeah, that's it. Or a hot weather balloon high in the atmosphere!
Heavens answered your first question. I thought you already belonged to the max number of clubs allowed? I smell lies spilling out from Casp.
i have the costume for that, but the only thing that looks similar to the boiler room is the front door at the batcave space.
so after reading through this thread we still don't know what's lurking in the moon forest...... *cancels plans on buying the apt* It might be smack
Indeed, we still have no idea what those eyes could belong to. Would be nice if whatever they are, would make an appearance out in the open. Nah, Smack can't get in there. He would have a hard time missing all of the bear traps I have set up all over. They are hidden pretty well, too.