During an earnings call today, Ubisoft revealed that Assassin's Creed III will be released in October. According to CEO Yves Guillemot, the game will hit stores on October 30th. Guillemot revealed that the game has been in development for three years and that "what we have seen is just fabulous." Previously, Ubisoft teased that a major Assassin's Creed title would come this year, but this is the first outright confirmation that it's AC III. The game is said to complete the story of Desmond. While no platforms have been announced, recent Assassin's Creed games have hit Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. The game is likely headed to Wii U as well, since an Assassin's Creed game was announced for Nintendo's new system during E3 - ign.com
No surprise that AC 3 is coming this year as if you know any thing about the AC universe that you know 2012 is important date in terms of history, but I not getting into that. I looking forward to this as I huge big fan of this franchise and seeing it on WII u that be something to see and play.
So wait, Brotherhood and Revelations are just kind of side games focusing on Ezio, but this one will jump to [another] new timeline of events, and possibly another character? AC1: Altair, AC2: Ezio, AC3: ???, Profit!
I purposely held off of buying AC2 because I was waiting for a significant price drop or good used game price before I would try the game out. Well, I finally got the game early this year and played it through. Gosh darn, it was so fun that I had to grab up AC Brotherhood and AC Revelations as soon as I could (at today's current reduced price). Still playing through Brotherhood. Yeah, I'm a cheap bottom-dollared gamer most of the time, waiting out most games to drop in price... AC3? Full price day 1 purchase for me! -10l
Wow. I thought AC Revelations was the last game in the series. But I do hope AC III has a new character.
they said revelations was the last 1, maybe they changed thier mind? also im not a fan of assasins creed, just thought i should post this
I Love The Assassin Creed Series .. Ezio Is Hot Bring On The Third One ;D @ SCarverOrne .. I Knew Brotherhood And Revelations Were Fillers For The Series .. Lol But Both Really Had Great Stories ;D @ Casp .. LoL Day 1 Purchase :right: @ Alexbuffy .. They Did Mention They Were Going Back To Continue Desmond's Story .. Who Knows What Happens .. All I Know Is I'm :crossi: For AC3.
Awesome AC3 I heard its going to be in Russia I'm not sure. But I'm also wondering if we FINALLY get something in PSH for AC again...:right:
They never said it was gonna be the last one they said it was gonna be the end of the Ezio chapter. So yay finally a new character ;D
[h=2]This Looks Like Assassin's Creed III's Native American Hero[/h] It appears that rumors of Assassin's Creed III taking place during the American Revolution and focusing on "the confrontation between British colonists and native Americans" may have been spot on–that is, if new character art rumored to reveal the new hero of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed series is accurate. One thing's for sure. It's cool as hell. Kotaku reports that it received an early look at Assassin's Creed III promotional art from a Best Buy employee news resource. Set against a snowy backdrop is what appears to be our hero wearing assassin gear mixed with traditional Native American cues. He's armed with a bow and arrow, a pistol and a tomahawk that's shaped like the Assassin's Creed logo. He's even got another pistol and a saber as back-up. Ubisoft said earlier this month that the next Assassin's Creed game is due on October 30. It will feature an all-new hero and a new setting. The company will officially unveil the game in March. We've contacted Ubisoft to verify the image's authenticity, but it sure looks authentic from here. The full thing, tomahawk and all, is over at Kotaku. Kotaku: Is This the Star of Assassin’s Creed III?
[h=3]Assassin's Creed 3: More Pictures, Details Revealed[/h] More Assassin's Creed 3 pictures have hit the internet today, as well as some confirmed details about the game itself. The new info comes by way of Game Informer magazine. The next issue of GI will feature a cover story and a lengthy feature article about the game. Here are the details: "Set in the latter half of the 18th century, we'll see the war between the Templars and the Assassins escalate as it crosses over to the New World of America, and witness firsthand the events of the American Revolution. Caught in the conflict is a daring new hero in the Assassin's Creed franchise. We have the full story of this new hero and the striking game in which he stars, along with exclusive screens and art from the project, all packed into a massive 13-page cover story." So the Revolutionary War setting has been confirmed--as has the excitement of everyone here at G4. Both history and gaming buffs are psyched. Let's recap what we've learned about Assassin's Creed 3 in the last couple days, shall we? Yesterday, the initial image for Assassin's Creed 3 leaked, via an internal Best Buy publication, revealing the game's setting. This morning, Ubisoft revealed the box art for Assassin's Creed 3, making the rumors official, and then, just now, the details of the game's setting were dropped by Game Informer.