I have 2 codes from Call of Duty Black Ops Hardened Edition (1-for PS Home, 2-DLC game) and PSN code for retro map pack of Killzone 3. Looking for PS Home code of Tekken Hybrid.
Um, Ur not going to find that one by a long shot. That was only available with the LIMITED Edition and everyone who bought the LIMITED one like me only bought it for the HOME code. So ur chance is very slim to none...
yeah, it's a little late to even buy the code on Ebay but you can buy the limited edition set to get the codes still, Ebay has plenty of them at a decent price if you really want them.
Thaks for replay. I'm looking for this code on ebay, not sure that I want to buy the game. I still have code from Black Ops and I can exchange them to something else for PS Home.
I bought the game solely for the codes, haven't even played the game and don't intend to. not my cup of tea really. Hope you find them. :smile1:
you bought a game solely for a home code, and I thought the gold and diamond suits were the most expensive stuff you could wear
Actually the Pachipara games have that honor, by the time you pay a fee to the card seller and buy the game and the DLC that goes with it you would have spent nearly $85 US. Pachipara 15 is worth every penny though as you can get the goodies on any account with no region locks.
Why would pay all that money for game and never play it? That to me sounds crazy, but a lot people on home are crazy or up them self’s, Yet again I know few good people on there. If you want code pm me and we can work something out if after the code who looking for it.
:tease: Yes, absolutely CRAZY!!! I'm a fanboy and a collector and I have no regrets whatsoever. I'm willing to support Home Dev's if they are willing to give me good items and experiences, even at a premium price as long as I'm happy! :yes:
Does anyone have a Deus Ex DXHR VTOL Companion code still valid, or has this Home item expired yet? If anyone wishes to trade, I have an equally limited-edition "Garruk Wildspeaker BattleAxe" from the Magic Celebration Day event. Lots of etched detail on the axe, which goes amazingly well with the Ares and Zeus costumes. And yes the code is still valid.
I have a friend that bought the Tomb Raider game just for the code, she made it five minutes through the game, said it was boring and went back to Midway.