Did anyone get a message from Money God, after the event, with some sort of promotion item. My friend mentioned this, and the site also mentioned they'd be sending something out later, but I still haven't gotten a thing.
Nah, I checked but I haven't gotten anything yet. Maybe after maintenance? And, I think they are talking about the money promo when you buy stuff from their PSN/Home content and you get the amount that you spent on plus a Chinese New Year 2012 wallpaper. I did mention this on the Asian thread.
Yeah but that was already advertised in the PSN store. This is supposed to be something different from what I understand. I read the info from the official Asia Home site, but they are not exactly clear on what it will be. I also thought the PSN Chinese New Years money back thing was officially over on the 31st. So you wouldn't be able to use these two together. It doesn't really matter, its rent month, meaning I pay three months of rent in one month. That's the system in China, not an every month type of deal. It really kicks my butt finically to pay up everything at once, so unless I have a lucky gig drop in my lap I'll be a broke joke this month, lol.
Okay. Does anyone know someone who's going to the 2012 Taipei Game Show in Taiwan? Because there's a Home reward offered to people who visit there from Feb 2nd until the 6th. Apparently though, the only way to get the reward is to correctly answer the questions for the "PS Home Event" given out on the "quiz leaflet". -- It's being handed out to conference attendees visiting the Sony booth. Dunno if our Chinese or Japanese forum members could query their friends about this? :detective: Also I'm curious whether Asia Home HK will even be hosting this event, seeing that it's based in Taiwan and all ...
I believe those are only given to those that have a Taiwan account, and needed to head to the Taiwan Gathering Area where the quiz is at.
RC Rally popped up in Hong Kong today. Saw it on a Friend's account, went and visited then hearted the space to keep it. Looked through the Navigator, but it isn't listed. Same thing happened a while back with MotorStorm. Not sure how this type of thing happens. In EU I saw some people wearing the Yetti vrs Hunters outfit, but can't find that one in the Navigator either. 2710 Pickories as of this morning, almost Pickle Time.
Ok great! I cleared my cache today to see if one of the new Winter Quests will show up, but got nothing. I didn't see anyone in EU wearing White puffy coats, or silver hair, so not sure if anyone has it available.
Valentine's Day event going on at HK Home: You need to do the same US Quest as before for the heart slippers (bring a friend), then on the 14th, you go to pier park and collect the wings. Event :: PlayStation®Home - Hong Kong If anyone wants to help me on this, thanks in advance.
Hey if someone lockwood gifted you the freebee heart love seat thing for the gift machine, how do you accept it in HK? In US and EU you just go to the Showroom and it pops up.
Place the gift machine in an apartment, and hang around for a while until your rewarded with the gift.
I just check my HK account and I got it after a couple of minutes in HK, but I know some have to wait for longer to actually get their reward. I say leave yourself idling for a while, if it has been sent it will pop up eventually.
Check your account or HK emails - Sony HK has given out the money and/or wallpaper codes from Chinese New Year. No word yet from Money God, and my PSN message from there didn't have an attachment.
Cheers for the headsup Recca :thumbsup: I haven't receive anything yet, but I'll keep an eye out for it.