Recca I think the missions and the bike game only allow you to level get points once per day(every 24 hours?), maybe fa-ga can clarify this, so I've been doing bike and missions almost everyday, this way you can get over 100 points per day and do a level each day.
once you get to 5K you no longer get the points for angels, I think the highest level will be 100 and you'll need to collect 5K for both the white and yellow points. not sure how many missions there are a day, all i know is that i did 1 mission by accident on wednesday and 3 today. Its possible that its one mission a day, but they accumulate until you complete them.
When does the king announce them? I'm having a hard time trying to find the right time he appears, since he usually comes in late or none at all.
When I came on as a resident, there was no green bar, until the king appeared a few minutes later with the green bar on top. Then I do the mission and the green bar changes it's sentence.
Sorry i place this issue with japanese letters hope you can translate it by google titles andrewards in the Kingdom ------------------------------------------------ 000000pt / なりたて 000100pt / 王国公認ステッキ(ブロンズ)男性用 (※1) & 王国公認ステッキ(ブロンズ)女性用 (※2) 000200pt / 小粋なアイツ 000300pt / ムードメーカー 000500pt / 王国公認Tシャツ「子ども」男性用 (※3) & 王国公認Tシャツ「子ども」女性用 (※4) 000700pt / 街の有名人 001000pt / 街の看板娘 001500pt / 王国公認Tシャツ「万歳」男性用 (※5) & 王国公認Tシャツ「万歳」女性用 (※6) 002000pt / 表通りの人気者 002500pt / 付き人修行中 003000pt / 王国公認イヤリング右耳(ゴールド)男性用 (※7) & 王国公認イヤリング左耳(ゴールド)男性用 (※8) & 王国公認イヤリング右耳(ゴールド)女性用 (※9) & 王国公認イヤリング左耳(ゴールド)女性用 (※10) 003500pt / 呼び込み係 004000pt / 着ぐるみの中の人 004500pt / 王国公認Tシャツ「LOVE」男性用 (※11) & 王国公認Tシャツ「LOVE」女性用 (※12) 005000pt / 駆け出しパフォーマー もぐらたたき 執事モグラ 1万点 メイドモグラ 5万点 国王モグラ 10万点 ゲームを10回 シルバースティック イヤリングシルバー 自転車発電 25000wで建国ポイント100? ゲームを10回 Notice --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Those DATA above were from 2 blogs below in japan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I made the assumption by looking at Arianne's list that changing sex should be done but I'm not sure if it helped, I did gain points by doing a few things and got some goodies too. Some of those items on the list seem to have lots of points attached, especially the bike game which I'm a little better at but need more work!
Arianne, I think you should source the bloggers if your going to copy&paste the exact phrases they written.
The missions are 1 per day. I can't make the missions to accumulate as Sam say, so I can't confirm on that part.
2 of the 3 missions can be accounted for, due to some muppet forgeting to remember about the timezones.
so don't get this new space and how people are like in the level 50's already, am i missing a way to get easy points?
Best thing to do is hang around the entrance as a guest and use all 10 angels, then switch to citizen and the guests will give you angels. you can collect 10 which are worth 10 points each. then repeat the cycle to the max 5k yellow points and you'll be level 50.
See what happens when I get bored in Home? I end up creating a formal leopard tengushoeivoxleronira card shark avi!
Japan Fashion Show Here are some photos from yesterdays Japan Fashion Show. There are many more at : Flickr: Kwoman32's Photostream These are all taken by RiverCreek. Thanks River! If you would like yours added to the folder, just send them to me.