This thread is all about the Japan version of Home. Feel free to post and chat as much as you like as long as it pertains to just the Japan region. Post away!
I'm afraid to post if Karen is a moderator. She might make me buy everything in all regions now. I don't know if my credit card can handle that especially since everyone on the forums seems to know what the number is. ;p
Anyway to keep it on topic, what are the times to go to Lair space to check if you have won, I'm sure im going at wrong times has i not won for months and its going on thur and i want the female suit.
If I recall correctly....and this is on a PST schedule Friday is a voting day, Saturday is results day. Then Sunday-voting, Monday-results, and Tuesday-voting, Wednesday-results. I'm not sure of the exact time for voting day but they close the vote at 3:30am going into results day, they tally them up at this point, then 5am they give the results as to what won. Hopefully someone will chime in with a better explanation if that one wasn't clear enough, its been months since I last voted since I have all 9 items lol.
ok maybe you guys can help me. i know about the swords in the jp irem and that you need one of those tickets to get one. i have 2 of the tickets (one from the man upstairs in the corner and one from the cotten candy lady) but i don't know what to do from there. i tried talking to the other one but nothing happened. also tried having the ticket in hand and still nothing.
The swords are gone right now, its on the new years event still, you still need to go to other irem spaces to get more tickets and then you get a gift box that you can then go to the info light in Home Square by the mall and get a reward for. I forget the order of the irem spaces sorry, buy theres people in seaspace, caves and r-type. r-type is defo last space and its the computers you have to go to there.
Carla, I think you may be confusing two different events. To get the swords, you only needed to answer several questions from the "community" lady downstairs. That event is now over, sorry crow. The other event was from Xmas, where you had to get several tickets, I think 4, in order to get an Irem gift box. That event of course is also now over. I believe you spoke to the vendor upstairs, then the mermaid at seaside, then the child at the caves, and finally off to the computer terminal.
When I went to the computer terminal I selected the wrong option and ended up blowing something up... it was quite funny then and still is now lol, I was like Oh no what have I done!
No worries JD! I'll make you a deal. I won't make you buy everything in all regions as long as you post your findings here.
Yes, the swords are gone. To get IREM gift box go to "dodgy man" on upper level of IREM Festival Sq., then go to boy in Spelunker cave, then to mermaid on pier at Seaside and then finally to r-type space. Once at r-type, go to control room on upper I think it is third or fourth item on menu. Even this may no longer be available.