I was trying to find some items in the mall the other day and had a thought. Why is there no search function for items? For example, if you want wings or lets say a tiger compainon, it would be nice to type in "wings" or "tiger companion" in a search box and then it shows all the stores you can find that item. Searching through all the stores for one little item is time consuming and frustrating. Also, a tab that lists all the free stuff would be nice, something like the "new" tab but for free stuff. What are your thoughts people?
I would LOVE a search feature for Home. I was thinking about another idea. I wish Home would create a standalone app. Something that you could download from the psn store. What it would do is it would allow you to search and browse and make purchases without having to run Home. Home takes a huge hit on your cpu. Eats a ton of memory. It would be nice to be able to search through a Home store that is as fast and responsive as the PSN store.
That is also an excellent idea, Firefly. Some improvements are definatly in order for the Mall and your idea would solve alot of the problems. Could you still preview attire on your avi in the PS store if they went that direction tho?
or you could just ask me, i know the mall like that back of my hand *looks at hand* hey thats new. as for free items thats what ypsh is for, or alphazone4. also with the hub update the mall having new stores like music and companions helps sort it all out. did you find what you were looking for?