Got on Asia Home earlier finised the Winter Quest Part 3. At the end of the quest it says, Just Curious, what do you know about the Yeti Cave? I heard a rumor that a family of Yetis are moving in... On PsBlog they posted the trailer for Yetis Vs. Hunters Game for PsHome US. Will Yetis Vs. Hunters be in the Winter Holiday Event Space? What do you think? Post your thoughts and ideas!
I think that this will be something fun in this space. Yetis Vs. Hunters will soon be in the Winter Holiday Event Space.
Considering the holidays are over with, I would guess they would create a new space for the game. Whatever they do, I just hope it is fun and works properly.
i doubt it since the winter space is all disney and nice and the yetis are violent. i spoke to glasswalls in home and he said its a fps where you can be on the yeti or human team.
Could empty winter space and just leave game I suppose, it looks like the next evolution of bootleggers with yetis and hunters instead, probably rewards with what side your on. Hopefully completely free like bootleggers
Yes, let's really hope that is free. If not, I'm not playing it. Pay to play, pretty much sucks the fun out of things, I think.
Don't know if anyone else has noticed it or not, but you can enter te cave now at the winter Hullaballoo, since the lower set of teeth has been removed. Can't do anything there, but you can enter cave at least.
The winter space is unique and I think they should leave it up year round. Maybe change it up with tobbagan racing, snowboarding or snowmobiles. It has alot of possibilities. The Yeti vs Hunters sounds interesting, but I hope its more than just a generic shooter. We shall see I suppose
Theres a yeti on the sign posts, theres a yeti cave, theres a teaser trailer for yetis vs hunters, dont need a deerstalker and a friend called Watson to know theres something happening
If the game is released this week, I'm really hoping it won't be a case of something that was pushed out too early. I felt kind of nervous, when L_S said he would leak an upcoming game to make up for the late blog post, because sometimes, the Home team tends to release things, that should have had time to be perfected more. But you would make a good Watson.