I predict loads more useless storage filling easy to get rewards, I predict granzella to be just as greedy, more games that are more fit for zingo and facebook than a ps3 console more issues with broken spaces lag and getting booted, apart from that as long as i last the year with all my friends im past caring about the rest
This would be nice ;D though they need that mall to take more of your money. ;D This is pretty much a gaurantee. :right: I think we need to watch you sony seems to listen to you more. Yes yes yes and a thousand times yes I'd love some lord of the rings items.
Don't give them any ideas! Ha. Yeah 9.99 everytime you want to change your spawn. I always thought they would sell more wardrobe save slots, so imagine my suprise when they doubled the ones we had for free a while back. I am sure they have to be thinking about premium services bought from the title update. I will add that to my predictions. Purchasable menu options and services not linked to virtual items.
Don't give them any ideas! Ha. Yeah 9.99 everytime you want to change your spawn. I always thought they would sell more wardrobe save slots, so imagine my suprise when they doubled the ones we had for free a while back. I am sure they have to be thinking about premium services bought from the title update. I will add that to my predictions. Purchasable menu options and services not linked to virtual items.[/QUOTE] i predict the addition of them dodgy adverts that say if you wanna get rid of adverts become a vip member today, everytime you switch spaces an active advert comes up where if you clean the grease off the pan within 20 secs you get a hand held version of that product as a reward, lol cant believe i said that, was thinking they would never make mundune daily jobs into games, then remembered you can serve and perpare food for people on here oops, if it happens it wasnt my idea
one night in Paris apartment, ratchet and spank, granny-zella , Debbie does the districts, hub hoes v, sodime 2 lol
I really agree with you here! Not only is there a long load time in the mall but, to me, it screams "Here is the mall, NOW BUY SOMETHING". I always jump straight from the mall to my personal space as soon as I spawn. Thats where they should have us spawn, our personal spaces.
I liked choosing where I spawn evry time I enter Home. I hated going to the space I left on and I doubt I would like spawning at a personal space, even if I could choose which one. I just want it back to the new old way.
Yes, the "new old way" was preferable. Im all for choice. But if they insist on making us spawn at the same spot everytime, I would certainly prefer a personal space over congested areas like the mall or the hub.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they slapped a fee on Home. When that time comes, I'm done, especially if it's above 10 bucks.
I'd be mad if they put a fee on home, HOME has gotten worse with every new update since HOME was redesigned, i mean the Navigator XMB screen is so plain, black and blue? Lame, where did all the color go :O
There will be a quest that requires us to have 30 friends in one space, then when everyone is gathered together, the reward will be broken.(And never fixed.) Later, we'll be given a new quest, which requires having the item from the previous quest, in order to complete it.