Cute antlers and red nose freebies at Granzella Island, which is beautifully adorned for night skies. Go behind the Store Hut and check out the "red" door near the array of food. ::
I'm on my Japan account getting free furniture from my friends new giant yacht. ;D ty oldcat BTW. The store on his yacht will sell everything but in Yen of course. I might have to buy this place to help out JP, EU and HK friends. ::
Not only is Granzella Island beautifully adorned with it's fantastic night sky with full moon and semblance of our Milky Way -- but Santa's sleigh is cruising in the night! I was watching this mesmerized and tried to get closer for a better picture. Then disaster struck as a meteor went streaking towards the jolly old elf and there will be no Xmas this year
To my surprise, I just caught a (M) dragon with the free items XD I'd thought I'd need to upgrade to catch one of those.
I got an XL dragon with all free equipment, I think the gold kappa and alien XL+ ones might be more problematic.
I'm having problems catching them with the upgrades, the smaller ones are no problem but I have yet to catch a bigger one. Why are they selling dragon companions? I'm not complaining because they are cheaper than what it would cost in upgrades to get them but it just seems redundant to the whole getting points for rewards model.
Does anyone know how to add your twitter to Toro weekly? are you supposed to add it in the app or elsewhere? :confused1:
Erhm..... Let me guess, they took the survey out of the Music Café? It was there this morning but the space was very slow...
Toro's twitter settings have a weird, possibly intentional quirk where for one choice, the one after the two pages of terms and conditions for using Twitter, it requires you to press O to confirm instead of X. Might just be careless coding on their part, or it could be an attempt to keep foreigns out. Who knows. I do know that there is zero English text on the twitter feed so far, so they're either moderating any non-Japanese tweets, or people just haven't figured out how to complete the setup yet.
For Japan/Asian systems and games: O = select, X = cancel Some games does convert the controls on their regional systems, but some games just goes by their own controls.
Well I'm able to confirm no problem, but where you put the twitter is still beyond me! I wrote to the person who created the Toro Wiki asking if they will ever update the page since it's the only one out there, the page hasn't had an update in over a year and has at least double the sub menu's now. maybe if others helped nudge her along she will do so.
I saw you got a few of the Liar Game items now, but I still have the pictures in my Album of all Liar Game items, if you want them added to the list.
Yep's i knows Recca I have them saved on my computer in my rewards folder. That link is just a dump of rewards i have personally unlocked on my PSN ID, Chad and that use it to add reward images to threads. I have been well be hide with Japan rewards, but i been working on the new system, that in the long run will make things much better, it's just the start up for that takes a load of time because theirs been so many rewards in Home over the last 3 years.