I was 2 months away from PS Home, and i only use the US Home. Today, i went there, updated it to the version 1.61 and ended inside the first floor of the mall, then i downloaded the core spaces and went to the Hub, where i saw an activity board with some quests. I managed to complete the Window Shopper one, but i don't know even where to start with the free itens one, and i need help with the Cogs game, because i am really bad at that, i remember winning the Ford Cogs game on my tenth try, it was a really boring thing. I went also on the Pier Park and entered the boat and i had and still have no clue as where to start the related Pier Park quest. If anyone can help me on these things, ill be forever grateful.
well the free items one is the ten free items you can get from the costume store/men/ burn zombie burn, just make sure you are in the mall when you get them. as for the pier park one just hop on the boat to the new winter space and start doing the task there to get the rewards there, it will tell you what to do there or you can check the us home thread to see what to do . as for the cogs game i know there some one posted how to beat it in the ps forums which iggymonster posted here http://www.yourplaystationhome.com/f2/wonderful-land-cogs-4936/
I still cant get past the lockwood store on the window shopper quest. I thought after the emergency maitenance these things would be fixed. I even canceled the quest and restarted. It does nothing.
I had the same thing happen with Lockwood...and then again later at Diesel. If you go back to the activity board after Lockwood (or whichever) one doesn't trigger, don't cancel the quest, but see where it says to go next. Just hit circle to back out of the activity board. I found that I had to go back to the one before Lockwood again and then continue on. Those quests are not programmed well and the whole idea of making people jump around like that from space to space with servers the way they are, is not too brilliant.
This seems to happen when you jump from one mall to another faster than it can save. Wait for the hard drive signal to stop then goto the other part of the mall.
I had that same problem with Heavy Water, but i left the mall to the Hub, went back to the mall and got it, and it was my last shop to visit, so that was the only reward i got from all the quests available, the window shopper one.
hmmm... it said i got a penguin... but don't see one on my recent reward list or my inventory. It's a ornament isn't it? I'm looking but don't see it....
Just a quick clarification for James or anyone trying to do the the second activity, the Ferris Wheel quest in Pier Park: You will need to invite someone on your actual Friends list to join you -- and not one of the random users present in the space. The game will give you a "Quest complete" notification after you've done one revolution of the Ferris Wheel with your friend. Press Start button and Quit to exit, then go back to the Activity Board to activate the next quest in Sportswalk. Companion it is. My question is how can you get a "New Item received" notice but NOT see it in your Rewards list? My experience has been that if it doesn't actually show up (and stay) in the Rewards list, you don't actually get the item.
I take you finished quest by going back to snowman from bear for penguin reward and then onto activity board for xmas tree if you did its probably because its home and its a reward
i need help with window shopper and the bargain one,, i already got the male stuff from burn zombie burn but it the quest is still up so i guess i didnt finish it,,? Help?
You'll need to use the 1st and 2nd Mall Shopping floors to complete this. Going to the Hub's stores won't work for you if you started.
I've heard the windOw shopper quest needs you to buy all the items, even the crappy ones. But for me, I would prefer not to have 4-5 items I don't want, then get a reward I'll probably never put out. it's a decent reward. But the some of the items it wants you to get are pretty ugly.
Well, i managed to pass 3 quests on the winter hullaballo space, but now im stuck on the fourth, which asks to take a picture on the fountain close to the snow bear while wearing the golf stick with 5 other ppl... The problem is that i dont have 5 friends that uses PS Home, i have only one and he is away from PsN for a while...
you don't have to have 5 friends ( to he honest i am not even sure if you need 5 people at all lol ) but if there are people in the hot tub that will work . atleast that is how i did it and i think i had 2 other people in the hot tub at the time i took my pic. now it might count the people running around out of the hot tub also but not sure.
Hello, I am new to this site, but I have been watching this thread for some time. I have a question about the quest in which you find items for free out of one of the stores every week (The Bargain Hunter Quest Part 2). It says that I only have 11 / 17 items collected but I have gotten all 10 each week so far (2 weeks total). Has anyone found these last 6 items if they actually exist? And if so, how do I find them?