How do the lures unlock? I have caught 3 or 4 different fish with the original lure, but not unlocked any others.
No reward for unlocking the last lure, I didn't get a reward for mastering all the fish either. fps, I found I had to exit the game and select it again for the lures to appear.
I never caught a fish at tha holla something winter space from US 2011. I never completed any quests there, i just cant understand what to do. Last year was so much easier, that Santa in a cave space.
Anyone else had an issue where with the fishing game, while it keeps track of how many of each fish have been caught, after mastering a fish, returning later to find it's no longer marked as mastered? The game does say there are rewards for mastering them, I wasn't sure if this issue was causing me not to get any rewards mastering the fish may give...
That could be right, I noticed that it said mastered on a fish and once I caught 1 more the mastered! text disappeared from the log book.
The only part of the quest I had a problem with was the damn Bootleggers portion of the quest. I couldn't capture the barrell because I had a bunch of greedy people playing that didn't want to seem to share. Maybe it's just me, but after I captured it, I always gave one of my teammates a chance to capture it next. Seemed to me that was the longest part of the mission anyways.
Wonder what the next quest will challenge us with? As long as one of them isn't to return to the bear after spending 2 hours in the community theater....
Yesterday night i went to the US winter space again. I managed do get the cane (1st quest) and the cup (2nd quest), but i still cant, by any means, fish! I already tried to get a fish more than 10 times and it always, ALWAYS escapes! And i need to get 3 so i can continue the quests. I already know that this is the end of the line for me.
Rotate the right analog stick clockwise once you have one hooked....use the palm of your hand if you want to make it easier, but you don't have to press down hard. If the fish starts to fight just move the left analog stick up and down quickly until it stops and then continue rotating with right one. Its easier than you think. wax on....wax off miyagi-san. imp:
Correct. Or throw your line about 3 feet out instead on 50 feet. ;D. BTW. I tried a million ways but cannot get the penguin and tree from Asia(HK). I don't think it believes I have the barrel chair. ::
James, as soon as the fish icon starts to "animate" (flop up and down), flick the LS up and down until it stops and immediately resume reeling the fish in by moving the RS clockwise. You may want to start reeling the RS right before the "animate" icon disappears -- yes, that means you will be flicking LS and reeling RS at the same time. You need to keep your reeling speed fast enough so that the green time bar (circle with lure on the right) doesn't disappear completely. It will turn red to show you are running out of time to land your catch. If time runs out, you will lose the fish. For the purposes of completing the quest, you just need one Catfish or Pike in addition to the bazillion Rainbow Trout and 10 Bass that you will have already caught. Don't cast the line out too far or it will take too long to reel in. Stupidly, the popup doesn't activate to tell you when you've caught enough fish. So after you get your three species, hit Start and then Quit. Snow Bear should then update your quest once you exit. Hope that helps.
kane, I posted this in the main US thread but wanted to ask if EU and Asia Home have this problem right now too? In NA Home, the Activity Board has been frozen on "Loading..." since 12 am PST last night. No one can access it. Activity Chat channels keep disconnecting and reconnecting. And the Main forum is down at the same time, so we can't even report this.
Haven't been on. I bet they are aware anyway. OK, long shot here --> maybe it's down so they can remotely repair the board? ;D IDK? Good luck is all I can say. :wacko:
I have two accounts in Asia, and one won't recognize that I have ten barrels even though I have the barrel chair reward. The other one completed the quest fine and has all the rewards. The one that don't work seems. Stuck on the ten barrels.
I just went to BootLicker's '69 (HK) again and got MORE barrels and was able to complete the event. Maybe they only count barrels acquired in games you win or has more than just yourself playing. Maybe, Hopper got his barrels and someone joined his game toward the end of it? My Chinese monkey (me) is no longer penguinless. ;D
Thanks Kane I tried to do more barrels last night, but some guy there kept following me and shooting me. So I couldn't do it. But i,ll try it again when I have time