So that's why I'm downloading another patch right now. Then maybe it's worth it. I hate my slow internet! issed:
I didn't see a new teller of tales story yet. I guess that is one of the things missing till next week or so. I also noticed the Aurora defender no longer has a preview. The new lighter view makes some orbs very difficult to see, but it could just be my tv settings. I also only received 500xp from Aurora defense even though I have the hoodie. Not to sure if it was a one time fluke or this is another problem we will have till 1.4 gets updated properly.
A friend of mine is also having the 500 exp problem with hoodie. Aside from the new teller of tales story missing, the hidden reward appparently is not up yet, as I checked every inch of the island lol.
The new teller of tales story wasn't up yet last I knew, ndreams tweeted it hadn't been put up though it should be. As for the issue with the aurora hoodie not giving double this seems to be affecting everyone at the moment..
I have the same problem with Aurora Defence. I certainly hope this will be fixed soon, since I was making good progress thanks to that upgrade. It takes long enough to level up when you're past lvl 80. It usually takes me about 4 days, now it will probably take at least 6. So annoying... :thumbdown:
Another thing, why did they move the first sky fishing game back to its previous location. Now it gets in the way of Orbrunner, which it didn't do before. The Sky Fishing that needed moving was the one behind the Orbrunner game, that's the one that kept getting in the way. Now both of them are in the way, and I see no reason why they should be.
NDreams are aware of the xp problem and it will be fixed soon. “@nDreamers: We currently have an issue with the Aurora items that give extra XP like the Hoodie. Should be fixed on Monday. Sorry!!”
I think it might be referring to the items that help, in the aurora defence game. As I'm pretty sure there's only one item that doubles xp.
I noticed someting wrong with this new aurora update: The yellow sky manages to make the orb runner game even more difficult, by making the yellow and that orb that takes time from us, and the purple with the teleportation orbs nearly identical. Did anyone else noticed that?
I've had to adjust, then readjust my gamma levels in the settings just to see those orbs. With almost every iteration of camera angle, I still keep getting the normal white orbs with the transport ones. Here's to hoping the nDreams dev team can darken the colors a tad .... pretty please! :thumbup1:
There is supposed to be a new "hidden" reward coming with Teller of Tales update but I haven't seen it yet. I agree that the lighting change in the space has made it nearly impossible to tell the difference between orbs. Also, what's with the huge shadow across the whole space now? The only area with sunlight now is right by the entrance,
I know, now im just having nice memories about Aurora 1.2, the best update to that N Dreams public space, to me, at least.