This weeks SCEAsia Home Stores update in full. 10th November 2011 A total of 33 new items added. Also last weeks items added.
It's not surprising since much of Hong Kong was under the rule of Great Britain years ago before giving Hong Kong back to China after the treaty act.
Why is it in Asian Home we always get gipped. I mean the USA Home looks a bit like USA, futuristic of course, Euro has a Euro feel. Asia has so many cool traditional styled buildings, they could make the Asian Home have some of those buildings. Heck even the Japan Home has some traditional Japanese buildings. Not only that but in the Action District we didn't even get Dead Island or Killstreak. In SportsTalk we didn't get Poker. We Don't have the Texas Hold'em Space. Its so lame. I think Sony Asia is lazy.
Guess what? Persistance pays! (^_^)v I finally got my Money God Sister shirt code from them! Thank you, Sony Asia!
If any of you have been playing in Asia Home for more than a year you will know the numbers of players have been dropping. The reason is because if any of the Asian players just so happen to go to any of the other Homes they can find everything from Asia and a whole lot more in the other Homes. If they want to get more active users to come to Asia they should offer things that are not available other places. Such as rewards and activities. We had the Money God Sister thing, but that was once every three months we get a small event, and the reward was lame. Man if they want I could draw up some images of rewards that ppl would like, and event plans that would attract ppl.
It would be cool if Asia Home was an experience unique to itself. I have friends who are from China who fear going to other Homes, due to their poor english skills, but they wind up hanging out in Midway all day, or only play for ten minutes and then leave.
Hey, guys, there's a Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One quiz near the Cogs Demo game in the HK Hub. Should be northeast from it in one of the corners there. However, the O and X buttons are switched to Japanese format, so if you wanted to choose O as your answer, hit X and vice versa.
that caught me out the other day, had me confused for a couple of minutes until I twigged about the controller format.
I'm in China, and I have that issue with the X and O buttons when going to the USA or Euro Home, I've lost many a poker game where I was doing really great because of that.
This weeks SCEAsia Home stores update in full. 24th November 2011 A total for 70 new items this week.
^^^ Is the Asia Home blog itself region-locked to Asia and Japan, too? Because all I'm seeing at faga's site is "Disallowed Key Characters." btw I enjoy seeing the Japanese smilies like the one above... They are very creative...:in_love: Do I need to have better Japanese to read them though? 'Cause that one ^^^ has a Russian character in it :turned:
Ugh, I want the monument than a shirt - reminds me of the Closed Beta Japan ornament for Home. *sighs* I miss it more... T_T Could someone please copy & paste the contents of that event blog? I think it's region locked ? Thanks
PlayStation®Home / Event / Let’s celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of PlayStation®Home!! Let’s celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of PlayStation®Home!! (Insert pretty picture here) *Sorry, I ain't smart enough*:: Event Start Date: 2011-12-08 Event End Date: 2011-12-14 PlayStation®Home 3rd Anniversary T-shirt (Men/Women)PlayStation®Home Logo monumentDecember 11th marked the third anniversary of PlayStation®Home globally. In celebration of our birthday, we will distribute “PlayStation®Home 3rd Anniversary T-shirt (Men/Women)” from 8th December to 14th December. Please go to the “PlayStation®Home Logo monument” at Home Square to download a special gift, “PlayStation®Home 3rd Anniversary T-shirt (Men/Women)” from us. It is for a limited time ONLY!! Enjoy the anniversary T-shirt and celebrate the third anniversary of PlayStation®Home with us! Event Review
Winter Wonderland Help •Start the quest, go to the dance floor and dance to get the candy cane •Then go to the snowman without a hat and missing an eye with the candy cane equiped •Then go round to the gingerbread man to get the coco •Equip the coco and go back to the snowman •Then its either go fishing for the Big snow bear near the game or •Go to the hot tub and take a pic •Then you have to bow infront of the Sly statue Then it tells you to go to bootleggers Get 10 barrels Go back to the bear He tell you talk to snowman You get penguin as soon as you do Then go active board to get you tree
The quest works fine in HK, it skips the RC rally as it's not avaliable there. I got all the 2nd year winter wonderland rewards this week along with an animated party hat, roast turkey and the mashed potatoes and gravy boat rewards Also GranZella's Edo of Nippon has arrived in HK, maybe it'll arrive to other regions soon.
Hullabaloo Quest 2 requires you to complete RC Rally in other regions? Little confused here since I haven't started that series of quests yet (in NA)!