Audi Panio 1.)A-flat- complete Track 1 2.)A-Sharp-Complete track 2 3.)Complete Track 3 4.)Suit Up- Score over 30,000 points ( get audi white suit and dress reward) 5.)Tinklin ivories- Score over 95 percent of notes on track 1 6.)Pia-pia-piano- score over 95 percent of notes on track 2 7.)score of 95 percent of notes on track 3 8.)Piano Hero- Complete any track with 100% accuracy
Cheers guys, for the info on the trophies. :thumbsup: Only need the last 2, but that will have to wait until I get home.
I managed to get about 38,000 by pure luck on the 1st song, totally started messing up shortly after I got 30,000. Oh btw for number 8) complete a track with 100% accuracy, does that mean we just have to hit every note?
Gosh, it's been awhile since me and Chad hit 100% accuracy on the tracks a long time ago, and it seems you might get the piano and stool again if you do get on the first five leaderboards before the end of the day. We did.
Sure did. :cursing: I asked on EU Home forums so we'll see if they have anything to say about it. These sudden surprises in Home really suck! Also, I played Audi piano game and should have received the conductors wand but didn't and I still can't see where high scores are for that game. There is no option within the game itself to look at a scoreboard, but there is one big blank screen in the space....maybe that is where they are supposed to be? All in all, another terribly frustrating update day (or maybe its just me today). At least all of the stores and sale items seem to be working ok though. EDIT: ok, finally found the high score sheet on the piano itself amidst the mess of people there.
Sigh, I just completed a song 100% with 526/526 streak, it didnt unlock, i feel its glitched out for me O_O Wondering if the 100 means perfect notes hit?
Does anyone you need 100% on all 3 songs or just complete all 3 songs to get the conductors wand? I have trophies 1-8 but can't get the wand. @Kazza--I think its a streak of 100 perfect notes. I'm not even going to try for that one if that's what it is. lol
I got the conductors Baton after completion of all 3 songs, not got 100% in any songs and didn't even have a decent score in any when it unlocked.
yep this has glitched for a few people, they've posted on the eu forums but I doubt we'll get any info for a while.
ok thx sam. I didn't think Home tech support could be any worse than it is in NA, but by the sounds and looks of it, they have basically given up on the EU forums altogether. I hadn't been there is awhile, but it sure speaks volumes about how low a priority Home really is to Sony. Is there any real wonder why people like CydoniaX, MusterBuster and Thylaudax are now gone?? Its starting to make a lot more sense to me now.