they're in threads>male/female>original. But as previously stated you'll have to search for them using barons list as they are not together in a free tab.
The exact items for this week are Male (5) track jacket - purple white dinner jacket track pants - purple white sneakers white hitops Female (5) winter pattern sweater white vest top wild pattern blouse zebra print skirt zipper slacks *note* all these items are right near if not beside each-other in THREADS under originals.
Most probably they left last weeks (the estates section) since it took a while for them to correct it.
Well, who'd a thunk it — I guess the spirits do occasionally speak the truth to me. Sweet! And no, these "spirits" were not of the alcoholic variety. Though I certainly wouldn't have minded an excellent Gibson or at least some (real) Plum Wine… :whoooo: "Ooo ooo aah aah chugie chugie…" Just as an addendum… I did not know which ten specific items would be selected for this (or any other) week, nor where the eventual "FREE" tab would make its appearance. My amazing powers of calculated deductions only conveyed 27 clothing items that would quite obviously (well, to me anyway…) be given to us over the next three updates. Except, that is, for whatever 3 "mystery" items will be added onto the third update to make an even "10 free items". But with this week's items now determined, it certainly narrows down the list quite a bit… and at least you have a fair idea of what's coming up. For those still keeping track, the 17 remaining items on my list are as follows: Male: • Headgear◦ Stretch Cap • Torso◦ Tall Collar Leather Jacket◦ The Tuxedo Shirt◦ Thermal Underwear◦ Wrath Tie Dye◦ Zip-up Hoodie • Legs◦ Zip Compartment Pants • Feet◦ Tech Trainers • Accessories > Spectacles◦ Yellow Bugeye Shades Female: • Headgear◦ Women's Streamlined Helmet • Torso◦ White Hooded Sweatshirt◦ Women's Gi Top◦ Women's Lumberjack Shirt • Legs◦ Women's Gi Pants◦ Women's Yellow Cycling Pants◦ Yoga Pants • Feet◦ Green Flats
So far, the only free item I thought was cute that I didn't already have/buy was the "white leather platform knot detail sandal" (what an awful description for some white leather strap heels). But I do agree that the zebra skirt is cute :yes: guess that's why I already owned it.
My favorite is actually the Wild Pattern Blouse, I love that style of shirt and the colors aren't off-putting either. Thanks for finding them this week.
well it looks like the estate free items were taken off the system . i keep getting the error on them and can't find them in threads. also side note in the killzone 3 cp at the kiosk the last chance items are still there although they show error also lol.
ok everyone the new free items are in the furniture/a-z/luxury weekend lake house, although they are not free yet .
Excellent, thanks for the info! A nice bunch of female clothes this time around, definitely liking the double tank-top and both pairs of pants.
Threads>A-Z>female>Warhawk Guess it's cowgirl week for females........and junk week for males. :sigh: