if i could find someone that had the uncharted 2 space faved can i get invited to it and get the rewards and is there eny other spaces that i can get invited in that are not there no more
The 4 spaces that I know of in NA that are still around but not on the navigator are Minis space, Move space, Prius space, and the Burn Zombie Burn space (without the jail house). There are 2 spaces I know of in EU... The Observatory (very small difference between it and the Minis space that they still have available) and the Godfather II space. There may be more over there, but I honestly don't know. With the exception of the Godfather II space in EU, I have the rest fav'd if you would like to get access to them sometime.
i have the minis event space which has 2 games but rewards no longer work the ps move event which has 2 games and the move controller costume still works as well as the store with the limited time items the toyota prius lbp2 event space which has one game that rewards you with a sackboy mask. also why is the modnation racers event space still up after like 2 years? whats up with that?
thx for quick reply and yes i eould like to be invited sometime but im in the uk so can i get invited to the NA and EU spaces or just the EU and do the rewards still work thx again
Casp, mind if i add you to fav The Observatory on EU? I have the Godfather EU space fav, so you can grab that of me