Me too but I like to collect spaces and unusual items, the Gnome personal space was the first thing that I saw this week that I knew I had to have. I like the exclusive personal spaces in EU because they are simple and quite fun, the Gnome space is fun and I'm having fun putting things in it too.:redface:
I like it as well - and I'm glad it isn't the same as the NA Hub. I don't like it when regions use the same core spaces, it's nice to have a variety, and as much as I like the original Home Square, and the 2nd gen Home Square - I also like this one. That said, I'd love it even more if they added a "Home Archives" space where we could visit all the old spaces that have been retired over the years. I'd love to revisit the original Central Plaza from the closed beta days.
It's not exact, but you can still go to the Killzone and dead island versions of the Central Plaza. It's in the Action Zone
I didn't see any Activity Boards around EU's Hub at all. Maybe next update? If you did find them, let me know where they are, and I can go questing.
Should be available from the start :\ the comparison with US is inevitable and I got to say US is so much better looking and has more stuff, like the r/c car race
NA: "My Grass < Their Grass" & "What I have < What I want" EU: "My Grass < Their Grass" & "What I have < What I want" AS: "My Grass < Their Grass" & "What I have < What I want" JP: "My Grass < Their Grass" & "What I have < What I want" Alternatively: "Enjoy all the lawns for what they are and what they offer." & "Embrace the differences and enjoy what you have."
Oh, for those playing the Cogs demo, and gotten Sebatio's solutions, I found out that the Cogs demo game does NOT give you all 3 shirts in one go. So, if you need all 3 I suggest try wasting a bit of time and get the scoring down pat for bronze and silver. However, the other Cogs Arena will let you win all the rewards in one go. I found out after completing the 12 puzzles again (with Sebatio's guide, of course) in one game and got all of them. Now, if only NA can give me the male Cog watch too...
Sebatio's Cogs Spoilers: Updated soon....
cheers, finally managed to get the gold shirt XD I need to improve on the main game though to get the last rewards.
Sebatio gave us a link to his puzzle spoilers, though it was on private beta thread, and the thread itself is unauthorized so there's no way of getting the rest. If you bug Sebatio about it on his thread, I'm sure he'll put more of it up.
Let's take a minute in memory of Ben, a random guy (never saw him before) that got caught by the hungry beasts XD He thought he could be friends with the walking dead guys, I guess he learned his lesson LOL PS: I was just playing and when I quitted the game there it was, some glitch of course after all it's Home for seconds I thought I was listening CSI opening theme LOOL
This weeks SCEE Home Stores update in full. 10th November 2011 A total of 22 new items this week. Going to add last weeks items on friday/weekend.