Hey all, I'm back with another curioustiy. Um....what are the rewards for the Land of Cogs? I've followed that Sabatto guy's Cogs Demo "how-to" and acquired my gold shirt. I'd gotten the silver and bronze on my own just to let you know. I've gone through the whole Cogs game, took FOREVER!! I'm sure my score wasn't all that hot either. I got a wall hanging for my home, but is there more than that? It seems fairly long and complicated just to have one small gift. I also have to mention here I'm very happy Home has gotten some puzzle type games, along with the other stuff, I'm a sucker for puzzles. :kane:
I was busy at the end of the week dealing with server upgrades and then i have been away from Home for the weekend, so never got around to updating the rewards database fully but here is the images of the rewards you can get.
I think we all understand how busy you were recently. Just glad here to have a Home forum that's nice and peaceful.
Sorry to be a bother, but how does one attain these groovy prizes? The Cogs Demo I know, 350 for bronze, 500 for silver, and 750 for gold I have that one. Also the last poster I have that as well, I think for completing the Cogs game. That hat looks really swell and the watch thing as well looks neat, how does one acquire those rewards? Thanks for going through all the trouble to keep this site up, I really appreciate it. :roflmao:
Of course we know how busy they are, because we all are busy getting all the rewards they keep posting, lol.
It saved me some headaches so I'm happy to share, http://community.us.playstation.com/...14889#36414889
I wish, what i know is from having been in the beta. And i only win the t-shirts myself because not had time to work on getting others. so if someone can match the images to names and how to win that would be great.
the hat is the bronze rank, the watch is gold rank, next one is is silver level price and the last one is completion prize . they are not very creative on prizes names lol
Thank you so much for this link, still took me 3 tries to pass 750 'cause I wasn't fast enough the first two times. ^^;
Not sure about point totals for bronze (hat) and silver (1st wall hanging), but I do know the watch comes from 12,000+ total pts. and the last wall hanging is the Cogs completion reward for finishing all of the puzzles.
I had the same problem, I'm not going to say how many times it took me to get fast enough, lol. Now I'm hoping for another of these to get through the full Cogs game. I've played through the whole thing, its just I suck, I'm so slow and make entirely too many moves. But hey I can finish it.
Hey Hey I finished my Cogs just now. Made a small map of the levels that Sabbato hasn't mapped out yet. Basically just played quickly and moved more than one brick at a time and I silver medal and bronze medal everything. A couple gold medal flooks. But I gots me my Gold level watch, my bronze level hat, and silver level wall hanging. I actually like the Cogs rewards about the best out of the new rewards. The best game out of the new Hubs in my opinion is the Euro game Gnome Scuttling, or somehting like that.
As anybody who played the private beta able to get your missing gold cog watch for the guys this update? Maybe this time they finally fix it.