Cool, sky fishing should get me back into Aurora. Itll be especially great for those of us in NA that havent had a chance to try the fishing game the EU has.
The sky fishing sure does look fun, I'm guessing though the upgraded rods and Vortex attractors will be store bought items, maybe lure too.
Plasma globe lure reward for capturing the plasma globe. starfish lure reward for capturing the starfish. Both have 3star for all categories.
Collect all message in a bottle to receive Mysterious Map reward Just completed the Curios Tab, unfortunately no reward for doing so besides the map reward
Have you purcahed any upgrades sam? Just wondering if the items you have received so far require an upgraded lure and/or rod.
I have, but as it's update day i didn't receive them. I only need 2 more items to complete the book now, the lures you unlock help alot.
I have, but as it's update day i didn't receive them. I only need 2 more items to complete the book now, so that was a waste of money. The lures you unlock help a lot.
i was happy catching few things before i started to get frozen :sadwalk: ( like more than 5 times now) i bought the lure set from the store but sadly i didn't have it seems like there is a problem.....
Sky Fishing So I didn't buy any of the upgrades, and have filled out all the pages of the book of catches in Sky Fishing. The only two I haven't gotten are the Anglar Fish or the Jelly Fish looking thing. The only reward was the map, am I correct? So doesn't that mean that one could buy the upgrade for the middle page and then be done with it after they got the map reward? Also is there a timed thing for the Anglar Fish thing or the Jelly Fish thing, like in the Euro fishing place you have to fish at midnight, noon or something.
Im not sure if its a timed event or not, but with the mech angler fish i used starfish bait which seemed to work. Caught him 5 times in a row. As for the Jellyfish, i have no clue yet but Im sure someone will figure it out soon.
I cant even get the Starfish bait! I have 0 of the 4 mystery items on that last page. I tried for a long time yesterday and some more today until I just finally gave up. I can only deal with catching the same things over and over for so long. Only other thing I don't have besides those 4 on the last page is the message in a bottle #4. This game is ok to play, but only if you really really really have nothing else to do....and even then, sleep might be the better choice lol
that's not good, I heard it didn't unlock for Chad when he first caught it too. But he got the reward after recapturing the mech angler fish, so I suppose all you can do is keep trying.
Just re-reading those fishing tips from the other day and this one got me thinking. So I assuming only one lure works on the colossus/jellyfish we've just got to figure out which one it is. If the mech angler fish is the second one that requires a "special lure", I'm assuming you guys have only caught I using the starfish lure?