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Finally the aurora update. I'll probably waste alot of time there, quite a large update for eu this week. I may finally buy the sodium pilot jacket that I've been meaning to get since it launched. ;D
EU region is getting lynx promo this week even angels will fall the one that was in plaza a while ago Ever heard the line “Did you hurt yourself when you fell from Heaven?”, if so I hope you were suitably appalled. But this week, Angels really are falling from Heaven, slap bang into the middle of Home Square and it’s your job to save them from harm with strategically placed cushions. If you manage to save these celestial beauties you will be richly rewarded, so head on over to Home Square and break those falls
Ready for more rants about no female rewards. I lost count the number of events that have taken place in EU Home Square that had male only rewards.
I was thinking bout the red jogging bottom brigade and the repeat chat up lines " are you a fallen angel " " did you hurt yourself " " where are you from heaven ? "
The TV in the Tycoon Penthouse works for EU. It streams in the latest Home trailers. Better than nothing......
I wonder how many people are having trouble with Aurora. I see that a lot of people are unable to use the teleporters, myself included. Does anyone know if it will be fixed soon?
Hi jonaso, I too was having trouble with the public space and am actually still having some graphical issues with my personal Aurora space. I think what helped me regarding the public Aurora space was first saving to a USB flashcard then deleting the Script file, the Setting file and then deleting and re-installing Home itself. Those first two files are found on the XMB under the Game then Save Data Utility icons. Just remember to back up any file first. Hope that works for you, far too many of us know this frustration.
I'm having problems with the new fishing game in Aurora maybe i should wait until next Thu, they usually fix things the week after :wacko:
Thank you, v_Trillian_v! I'll try that if they don't fix it soon. I also think it's unfair that sodium gives double credits this weekend, because some people are having trouble with their new space, myself included (again).
Why does the two reward baits in Sky Fishing (starfish and plasma ball) have the exact same stats? Seems a bit useless really.