Just checked out the trophy list, the last two dlc trophies on the list suggest something very interesting. PS3Trophies.org - Batman: Arkham City Trophies
If only there is an official scan of the box art right now online with the back showing "Playstation Home" then we might be in luck.
So well I was watching Making of South Park: 6 days to air, there was a commercial for The Green Lantern Extended Cut and if you buy the Blu-Ray it says you get early access to Sinestro Corps Batman Skin with a little disclaimer on the bottom of the screen that says"Available For Download On Playstation 3 Only"
Let me just say this, this is my view not a hate rant ok. So Understand that. I honesty cant see home getting any rewards for this as Sony had chance to bring DC comics costumes to home few times. One biggest game I thought home would do something was DC universe online because gaming community was really excited about it but there just whisper of it on home and very little rewards bar the face book mini game. I notice with my time on home that if game doesn’t haven’t a connection to Sony that we very content on home. I know in UK home you can buy a batman hoodies and I don’t understand why in US that these hoodies never came. At one stage I thought maybe its to do with DC allow content but I think its more to do with Sony then anything else Now for the game extras, I hope they do what La noire did you can buy them like in package deal because I honesty think that was very cleaver idea. Yet again Fallout: new Vegas have just released there pre order bonus as dlc witch I thought was very smart too. It’s good to see a game to get this much content and I know I be playing it and for hours and try get my 6[SUP]th[/SUP] platinum trophy and boost my level up over 15. Anyway Let hope for best there be some home rewards because my inner geek wants a posion ivy costume
So many Batman variant costumes to use in game from pre-order bonus thru various retail outlets. I think I will stick to the story and hope for the best with these costumes being sold on PSN Store as bundled or individual DLC.
Well so far this is not good news the game comes out Oct 18... Today is Oct 15th three days away and no WORD of any HOME item's from this game. Last time they had info out way ahead of time to let us know there were Home rewards and i went to the video store as they opened on release day and rented it just to get my BatCave's at the time... Now 3 days to go and No Word of anything... This is not good! By: DCS
Launch trailer [video=youtube_share;9O9ZC8QoFhI]http://youtu.be/9O9ZC8QoFhI[/video] Looking forward to this next week XD
Seems that you need an online pass for arkham city, in order to play the catwoman sections of the game. Batman online pass unlocks Catwoman News - - Page 1 | Eurogamer.net
I found an unboxing on youtube and noticed that there is no "PlayStation Home" on the top back cover. :crybaby:
I think I'll wait for a GotY edition if there is no Home bonus. I have enough games to get through anyways. :/
Yep the Games out and i hear there are NO HOME REWARDS! Well they lost a customer due to that alone! I rented the first game and later bought the game due to Home Rewards! But they lost a Customer this time! Let's all Hope they learn a lesson here and know they made a Mistake! Nuff Said! By: DCS