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JP Japan Home Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Can't please everyone.
    But I personally love a lot of the spaces they have in Japan home.
    Including the aquarium.

    I agree with Hopper's post, and I've noticed a little myself on the actual PlayStation home forum.
    DCS, you seem to not like a lot of things in home.
    I'm actually curious to what you actually do like? I've seen you make lots of complaints and I'm not sure whether it's because you've had bad experiences on home, or just don't like what we're getting.

    But as Hopper said, you can't think like home is there to cater to's not.
    It's there to cater to the whole community.
    Also, maybe you're not having such a good time with the aquarium because you don't like the rewards they're giving out?

    You do know that there's a rare reward shirt to those who complete all the pictures, right? and collecting all the statues can be fun as well.

    Also, btw my slim model works fine in the aquarium so I'm not quite sure what your problem is with the space.
  2. Digital-Nitrate

    Digital-Nitrate Jetsetter Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Except maybe not everyone feels like you do. Maybe some enjoy visiting it. Maybe some haven't gotten all the rewards from it yet. Maybe instead of wanting it closed, you can just stop visiting.

    Wishing it were closed suggests you could care less about how others feel, and want it gone so that those that haven't gotten all the rewards wont ever have a chance to or ruin it for those that just enjoy getting together there. Otherwise why should you care if it gets closed or not, seeing as how you can simply chose not to go there anymore.

    Nuff Said!?
  3. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I like the aquarium. I think it adds a lot to Japan Home. The only thing I would change is some of the long waits you have to go through.

    Btw, I noticed that that lounge looks much better if you darken the gamma setting in your setting. Then the subtle lighting in the aquarium really pops.

    My tv has many custom sets for controlling the picture(brightness, contrast,etc) and I have a special setting for the aquarium so it looks beautiful, just like how I think thee real one looks like.
  4. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Well these days since they took away Rewards and Took Away Paid item's i don't really have anything to look forward to on Home other than NEW FREE stuff! And if there's no NEW FREE stuff then why should it stay on Home?

    I think allot of space's either need to update with new stuff or it's way past time they give up and go!

    after two plus years on Home only NEW stuff is gonna make me happy... After that i can care less what goes then...

    I know one day they'll end up taking those item's away from me as well... So why bother... Well we know it will happen it's only a matter of time as to when!

    Darn SONY! who never fixes things and still takes our money and we loose paid item's and still out of item's as well as our money... If it hasn't happened to You yet? Just wait it will happen one day and then u too can see my point of view...

    Home is not what is used to be... That's for sure. Yes i'll still take the FREE things... Now but i know they'll be gone sooner or later just like my other stuff.


    Just like some games u beat them and that's it... ya never go back!

    By: DCS
  5. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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  6. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Why don't you just quit using home then. That'll probably give you 1 less thing to worry about.
  7. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    What rewards do they exactly take away from you, and that including paid items?
    You do know you can report them and usually you'll get help in time.

    I haven't seen a case where a user got their own paid items took away, unless they had illegally claimed that item by a hack or something.
    That, or the store stopped selling the item you had purchased..but that wouldn't mean your items would get removed from your inventory.

    Also, the reason home keeps them spaces around even the older ones where they don't update anymore is for the new users to the community.
    Or people who have side accounts like myself who want to get all the items in case they're gone in time.

    But just because they don't update a space, doesn't mean it's bad.
    The aquarium isn't even done yet and also it updates all the time..meaning new fish and sealife appear in the tank.
    As for items, they have endless items to obtain so in the end..I don't see why people can't be happy with something that will be exclusive later on?

    If Sony home devs went by what you're claiming, then your home navi would look like a desert..
    There would be nothing but core spaces on home, and I don't think the home community wants that, do they?
  8. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Too much money spent on Home to quit it... I'll wait till they take it all away first then... i'll contect jeffrey figor here and see what they say then... HA HA!

    and theres NOTHING wrong with wanting FREE STUFF... Were not all made of Money ya Know...
  9. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Its all about the rewards for some people, DCS has got them, so thats it the space becomes useless, how many others dont give spaces a second look when they have got the freebies, the aquarium has a fan base and to be honest I like the aquarium very much, if only all the events were like this one. As much as the space had issues with lag the queue system breaking and people getting stuck at the entrance, it has 31 rewards, a decent activity, interesting video footage ( not sure I wanna see a pacific ray porno shoot again lol ) blog, but also it brought people together to go rare fish hunting, I seem to remember a begging comment under dcs's name about if you saw a rare fish and giving dcs a shout. There are a lot more badly put together spaces id ditch before this space.
  10. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    The rewards and Paid item's were taken away with the 1.40 Update alomst a year ago... They know all about it far as the Home mods and they have done nothing in a year to fix them or give them back! They were not hacked item's... So there is no excuse for how they ignore customers who have spent tons of money on Home item's and to not help us get our stuff back. All they do is ignore the problems and never do anything to fix the problems... They need a new team to do things right or something as what there doing now is not helping one bit. That's why these days i just go for the FREE item's mainly on Home and just waiting for the day we loose those item's as well as i know it's gonna happen one day... It happened once it will happen again. But till then i'm gonna get those free item's anyway... Even if i never use them afterwards....

    FREE is FREE!

    Most have heard about the item's ever since Home 1.40 so we know in Nov it will be exactly a year later and yet USA Home Team has done nothing what so ever... That's why its way past time SONY got some new people to run HOME and get the Job done right! Nuff Said!


    By: DCS
  11. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Ok, we have all been made well aware of your missing items for a long time now what?

    Maybe if you hope the Aquarium in Japan Home closes because they haven't updated it and the NA Home team is replaced, you will get your missing items back? :confused1:
  12. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    I've been reading today's posts in this thread all night and don't have time to read any other thread. ::p:
    Rehibilitation is often futile. Just let people post their stuff and move on. Nuff Said!!! :laughing:
  13. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Yeah i did ask for some people to help and only a few even replied at the time so i was able to get two RARE fish done thanks to those few people... The other two RARE fish i had to wait till i got the VR shirts and done those fish alone... But for those that helped with the first two Rare fish a big thanks to them and they know who they are.... :)

    I do like the space but for the past week the aquarium on the slim hasn't been working it lags at the entrance and again it won't let u move and it stays that way but this is on the slim only... If i use the Phat i didn't have that problem. I did try the slim tonight and it did let me in tonight... YAY! Of course i only go in to get my 100 free points each day and leave of course... And the points are not needed anyways really but might as well stop by long as it's there...

    Of course when u go in the past week as i said and it won't let me move on the slim that does become a problem and ur like get rid of this space or get it fixed already... It was being a pain for a week on my slim alone... It was like it has to go already... HA HA!

    U have to log outta home etc to even get out of the problem at the time... I deleted Home and the other Home file also and tried that at the time as well hopoing that would of fixed that problem but it did not help it at all. Maybe the work they did on Home these past few days was to fish that problem and maybe thats why it was working tonight? If so YAY!

    I used to stay on Home for hours on end but right now theres nothing to keep me on Home for hours and hours as it did long ago... Maybe when the HUB hits it will be different? Who Knows!

    One now waits and one now Hopes!


    By: DCS
  14. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    AWW! :laughing:
  15. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Um, 1 2 3 what did i say? 4 5 6 who's throwing those Bricks?

  16. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I'm offended by this. I can't believe you only think a lounge's value holds only if "new free stuff" is available. The aquarium, although you probably can't read, has a informative terminals, videos that can be used to understand about sea life.

    So, say if a replica of a museum/art gallery comes to home with informative stuff, but no rewards. By your standards it's useless right?

    Anyway, I'm done with this topic.
  17. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Yep saw the videos... Got all the fish... so yeah unless theres a new reward? Yep most likely done if thats the case... but something is gonna happen after the 29th it seems yet no one seems to know what?

    Oh Well!

    No Big deal...
  18. xMINDBlIlURx

    xMINDBlIlURx Active Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    You only see the negative in what the devs do on home.
    Technically, that is your opinion. But think about this, if you continue to think negative. How can you enjoy the good we do have left on home?
    But I see as you being bitter and that because you've lost items in the past and aren't happy with how home customer service is.
    Others shouldn't be able to enjoy home, because you've had your joy took away?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's all I get from the way you word your post.
  19. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    i just made a post and then ya'll jump to conclusions...

    I never said i don't like Home... I do... Do i like my item's gone... HE** No! Will they ever get there acts together and get things fixed... Nope it won't happen... Far as HOME SONY also thinks it made a mistake with HOME that's why HOME as we know it is going away... Home as it is now just doens't work anymore! SONY knows that and thats why were going to THE HUB it's time for change and lets hope this Change makes it better... Even SONY knows this or we wouldn't be gettign THE HUB then! Home is gonna be different soon enough... But as it is now well... It just doesn't cut it SONY says it has to change! So change it will... Hmmmm! (Sounds Like Yoda)

    So just because i make a post don't have to jump to conclusions... but thats all ur choice... Ya'll all like to fight get some Fighting Games and lets go! HA HA!
  20. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Aren't you the one that's jumps to conclusions?
    You spread around saying that Granzella was responsible for the closure of Irem everywhere, but the real reason wasn't.
    There's other things, but forgot what it was. Don't want to waste my time digging it up.
    Anyway, try to re-read what your saying and see it as it's someone else's post.
    Then you may know why how people are reacting to you.

    doh...I said I'm finished with this in my previous post....oh, well.
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