[video=youtube;azhSfPS7o7Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azhSfPS7o7Y[/video] A playstation 3 beyond the doors teaser trailer my friend told me about.
There's a lot of talk, its for the new home revamp, but I'm just not convinced. It might just be my head preventing me from get my hopes up. Well we haven't got long to wait for 5/10 and it definitely got me curious.
Sony today released a new teaser video [video=youtube;HBuK3EcY6vk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBuK3EcY6vk[/video] Sony today released a new teaser video that contains references to a variety of PlayStation games which ends with a note that something is to come on October 5. You may not notice anything on your first viewing; these things are subtle. At the 23-second mark, you can see Sweet Tooth's truck from Twisted Metal on the left side of the screen, the guns and armor seem to be from either Resistance and/or Killzone, at the 27-second mark you see the Metal Gear Mk. II, and some people claim to see God of War's Kratos just as the video comes to an end. The video's name on YouTube states "See More 10/5/11," so it looks something else -- probably another video -- will be released next Wednesday. :demonangel: HIT THE LINK 4 MORE :demonangel: Sony Teaser Video Contains References to All Sorts of PlayStation Games