About time they put it on PS3 now that they done the right move and decided to release it on Ps3 as well this is a must have then! Oh Yeah! Can't wait 2012 is gonna rock for Fighting Games... Oh Yeah it is! By: DCS
How exciting! [video=youtube;qsznlg5olBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsznlg5olBE&feature=player_embedded[/video] source: Fighting Game Genre Stagnant, Dead or Alive 5 Will Bring Sexy Back | Piki Geek
I for one have never played any DOA games due to them being mostly exclusive to Xbox Boooo! I did see a trailer back then for DOA 4 and it was a Shame that it was XBox only... RATS! Glad to see they woke up and know that Games need to be on PS3 as well... YAY! So i will hit this one soon as it comes out in that case.... HA HA!
I think it's because Tomonobu Itagaki dead or alive creator no longer has hands on with the series, i'm not sure. lol Okay i just saw this. He isn't working on DeadOrAlive but he's in SaintsRow:The3rd LOL http://www.escapistmagazine.com/for...ve-Creator-Joins-Cast-Of-Saints-Row-The-Third
lol yea i want the PS3 version too. I had DOA4 & it was great just the reversals were hard to do because they changed it to where u could counter certain attacks in certain ways, made it very lame.
I remember DoA were on Playstation in the early days. That is good its coming back on the Playstation console once more. Have all DoA game since PS1 and thru Xbox and 360 days and looking forward to DoA5! So let the female age rate higher and see the you know what to go all jobbly..LMAO!
lol naughty person you. I love the DOA series, hated the reversal system in DOA 4. I'm glad it's returning to PS3, i guess microsoft didn't throw enough money at them this time to keep it exclusive but they probably will with their next gaming console. So expect alot of poorly made microsoft exclusives