Ahoy matey....nice job! I always enjoy seeing how creative people are with things like this. The music and transitions from one slide to the next are well done. It looked like it turned into a bit of a love story there at the end--good to see that pirates can be lovers too. lol
Color me confused. Am I reading the posts correctly, whatever Yen amount we spend between those dates, we receive that Yen back?
During the 9th through the 20th this month, you spend any yen you want, and whatever total you had spent during that time, you get whatever rewarded amount of yen to you back on the 28th.
Hey Trill. This was posted by Yoshikawa a few pages back:Yeah Spent money in psn store yen reward with little yen back there 4 level of paid back yen First Level: 100 Yen must spent 500 yen to 1,499 yen Second Level 300 Yen must spent 1,499 yen to 2,499 yen Third Level 500 Yen Must spent 2,499 yen to 4,999 yen Forth and Final level Must Spent 5,000 yen Hope this helped
Well, I speak a little, but even so, I just copy and paste the email's text into the box on translate.google.com. It isn't very accurate, but you usually get a decent idea of what's being talked about.
I'm wondering: Does the total yen accumulate during the period or does it mean you need to spend something to that amount?
My guess is that it would be an accumulation of yen spent during the time frame Recca, but I'm not 100% sure about that. Maybe someone else will pipe in with a more direct answer.
Helped a lot since the rest was just confusing if not outright trouble if I had followed them.:helpsmilie:
oh ok lol. I haven't played the jet ski game enough to know I guess...just the one time when the space first came out I think. Now I'm going to spend the rest of the rainy day here trying to come up with a new word that describes that sinking feeling I get when I post something that is new to me.....and then realize that it's really only new to me. :eh: huh? idk[/QUOTE] dont worry bout it, I look st my older posts and think did I really say that lol
[h=5]New Rewards at Grazella beach [/h] From the under water mini game So far I got Free Chest, Black Left Earring more items be added soon as i get them
Yep, I got those two chests as well, I think I got a different new earring though. Edit: just got the blackish one you guys mentioned and another white one.
What NEW Rewards at Granzella Oh Great! And here i thought i was done with it... Now got to go back to JAPAN utoh! By: DCS
those earrings were all right, I have now found the white and black one for left and a 3rd chest containing treasure
So far I've picked up 2 chests, one empty and one filled with water and fish. I've also got 3 earrings, a black one for left and a white diamondish and huge emerald looking one for right ear. I'll have to go back later, got some pairs to complete as well as another chest to find
Also, if you guys could post some pictures here of rewards you get that would be great. I usually browse on my phone while I'm out, more eye candy for me :drool: