[video=youtube;Vdh4TqWFfX4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdh4TqWFfX4[/video] Rember The PS9 commercial ? Well we're not there yet, but the next console is arriving soon so what would you like to see implemented in the next gaming system ?
lol, I don't think it's possible to forget it! It's essentially virtual reality and your the controller!! SONY's at it again, this time, it's more closer number wise, than the PS9 was! Check out the "leaked" PS4 commercial!! [video=youtube;RyFmxNLH0YA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyFmxNLH0YA[/video] This PS4 concept purposes some interesting features, such as touch activated panels, (notably the center of the controller, the PS Home icon, as well as the addition of a music icon, (which would allow you to access your library of music instantly, instead of scrolling through your XMB) I like those features, as it's very creative! However the purposed powering method of this console is one to question! as it's a power source that's not yet feasible by today's current power "capabilities"!! I remember a few years ago a rep of SONY, one of the heads, Possibly Jack Trentton, saying that the PS4, wouldn't even be a console! but that it would be some type of application (maybe computerized) not hardware though! It's really quite crazy to be talking about the next PS console, when the PS3 is still in it's prime! However there have been multiple reports stating that SONY is indeed working on the PS4, of course many will say, "until I hear it from SONY, I won't believe it"! What they fail to realize is that everything SONY does will not be made readily available to the public, especially something of this nature! For me personally, the next PS, has to surpass the PS3, that's really all I'm looking for in a next-gen PS!! *note: in saying that, I've had a debate with another gamer in another forum, about the Price of such a console (PS4) In which he went on to say, that the PS4 would be cheaper than it's predecessor, to which I responded, no it wouldn't! We've all got to be realistic about this, if the PS4 doesn't surpass the PS3, there's no point in buying it! Therefore (hypothetically) the PS4 will indeed surpass the PS3! Do you actually think SONY, will sell a console that surpasses it's previous one for less, than they sold the previous one? I mean it's logic, if you believe otherwise, your sorely mistaken!
interesting commercial but i really dislike the virtual reality idea. The idea of blinding gamers to world around them ? unaware of what's going on outside the game, REALLY ? What kinda side effects would that have when removing the VR interface ? Not something i'd support. Didn't nintendo's VRBoy give gamers headaches ?
lol, When I referred to virtual reality, I was really talking about the PS9 commercial, but now that you pointed it out, the PS4 commercial does seem to imply that you would have to wear some kind of visual interface to play it! Yeah, who knows what the side effects would be of such a device, possibly "A Scanner Darkly" results! Yeah that does make you think twice about playing something like that! I actually played VR Boy and it indeed, gave me a headache, but it wasn't fully render games, it was more you looking at infrared digital images (poorly ones at that, but for the time, it was considered innovative, all VR Boy games were reminiscent of those blue laser handheld games), that coupled with the fact you had to stand to play it!!
Better character creation I would like in the current console to have the ability to create PSHome avatars that look as great as this & still run PSHome well. It's sad we don't have the ability.
Don't move forward till you've gotten the best out of your current technology What i want in the next console is open world cities that's full CG, with rain snow & other weather effects that impact our character. When it rains on my character their clothes get wet. I want CG characters, with flowing hair & clothes something that looks like final fantasy advent children. I want more focus on the art instead of trying to jump & skip to the next big thing. Polish the technology we have before you decide your done with it.
Layar - Impactful Augmented Reality in Your Everyday Life - YouTube Augmented Reality T-shirt - YouTube portable augmented reality not just phone apps could be next big thing, the army have been trying out kit which admittedly is too big currently, but you wear googles connected to PC in back pack and you can be in the local park shooting down gunships troops and tanks C.O.D. style
Yeah, kind of like Heavy Rain, when Ethan's son catches a cold! In fact Heavy Rain had a few of those weather reactions your suggesting! I agree though, if it's raining your characters clothes shouldn't instantly dry in the next scene or within seconds, it should have a similar real life quality, such as the only way to get dry is by changing clothes! As for the art suggestion, I also agree, a lot of developers and or publishers discard current technology in favor of more advanced technology! before maxing out the current capabilities of the current technology!
Imagine weather effects & CG characters in massive open world living city on console. Think how PSHome would be, imagine how games would be. I know something like this would be far off from now but don't you think if developer focused on improving current technology & not shoving wild guesses at the next best thing like VR or 3D that maybe full CG characters & living cities would be that much closer to having a console capable of that in the next 8 years.
Those are some amazing pics VampireWicked, if PS Home was built like these two pics, I think a lot more user would be using it! As for CG characters/avatars (Advent Children Style), I personally think it's possible with the PS3, it's just Home developers aren't willing to do it!!
I think so too, look at God of War 3 in game play & Heavy Rain. I don't think running PSHome with CG characters like would be possible however i think it is & should be possible in the next console. We're on PS3, we've gone from atari 2600 through the NES & Sega systems on to PSOne & PS2, through that gaming Evolution i wanted to see PS3 games that looked like the PS2 final fantasy CG scenes & i wanted huge gaming environments that looked the same. PS3 i see the great CG characters but it's still lacking the fully CG living environment & i'm hoping in the next console we'll get it.
The same here, VampireWicked! Ist it was PS CG scenes, which I wanted the next console to have graphics like them! Then the PS2 came out, it's CG scenes, were far better than PS, so yet again I found myself wanting the next PS console to have graphics like PS2's CG scenes! Now we have the PS3, which I believe surpasses PS2's CG scenes! When Advent Children came out, I was thinking it would translate well into a game! It's too bad Squarenix didn't capitalize on it!
I'm also hoping Sony keeps the PS2/PS3 controller design as in shape the rumble feature & motion control, however I do not like the PS3 L2 & R2 triggers they are easy to break. I also hoping that the next system tries having motion control as it's main controller, i do not like the PS move at all. If I can't have a controller that i can access games with comfortably then it's not worth buying the system. Just the PSVita, i'm not a big fan of the touch screen. I really don't like having my fingerprints or someone else & their fingerprints all over something i paid for.
What i'm also looking for in the next console & in the current games is multi-player modes to be thought out alot more. I'm sick of unbalanced teams & level advantages, multi-player modes shouldn't depend on you creating a team to get a fair gaming experience. Free online multi-player access, we shouldn't pay for a game then continually pay just to play. On & Offline gaming, No games should require online access just to play it.
I agree, the design & shape of the PS2/3 controller should remain as it is! I was thinking the same thing about the L2 & R2 triggers, as they feel like they could rip out at any moment! As far as motion control goes, you know for all the hype about SIXAXIS motion control ability, it was rarely used at all! The PS Move was not needed at all! The motion control of the SIXAXIS can do everything the Move can!
Agreed, it seems multiplayer gaming is being rushed these days and the implementation of online to play it, is becoming a mainstay! I hate games like that, (message: "you must be signed into PSN or another server to play") What happen to multiplayer gaming offline, very few games have that option these days! Free multiplayer, yes, especially if the game was bought new!
Yeah, a lot of the motion control games are stupid, and are games, I wouldn't even waste my time with!
There are a few exceptions like Heavenly Sword & Batman Arkham Asylum but i that's because motion control wasn't the main way to play those games. It's just something i'm not into using for my primary gaming access, neither is 3D. That's something else i don't care for.