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Hello i have message in this day my friend is in TOKYO GAME SHOW 2011 EVENT THEATRE but his friend invite him and i go to my friend. I have rewards from there. Kat Costume and Kat Wig (for womens) and ICO Horns and ICO Timber (for womens and mans.
Some new rewards in Japan? Supa! I wonder if your post shouldn't be in the Japan thread tho... As usual thanks so much for gathering together this info for us Carla. :flowers:
Ok, so you have to be invited by someone in Japan Home to get to the theatre. Has anyone heard anything about the expansion of the Star Wars Cantina? It has taken forever, and wouldn't now be a good time, with the Blu-Ray release of the saga?
Ohai. Umm.. can we get some clarity on what this is about please? "This week will also see some futuristic costumes and furniture to complement the Anime apartment, plus don't forget the great new update from Lockwood reported below" I tried clicking on the original link but don't see anything. Is this referring to the CAS stuff, because I thought that was the week before this release? Just wondering if I somehow missed something.
Thanks Rachelicious for clearing that up for me. I find these updates kind of weird and not very detailed sometimes, must have missed that it said EU. Cheers! 8)