Grrrrrrr i know there's alot of anime fans out there SO WAKE UP!! This is a thread on anything dealing with One Piece. One Piece episodes games art manga WHATEVER IS ON ONE PIECE, You wanna talk about One Piece then bring it, this is for a full discussion on One Piece.
I have yet to fully watch the anime but kept up with the manga. I think I'll start up the series once the time skip occurs. Other than that the only One Piece I've watched were those done by 4Kids...
I've only seen a few episodes of One Piece, and one of the movies (if there's only one, then that's the one I saw) I will say who my favorite character is though! Zoro!!
There's quite a few films out there =p so yeah lol. As for favorite character Zoro followed by Sanji.
Feature: "ONE PIECE Collection" Exhibition Photo Report These are some awesome looking figures, I sooo want 1 or two or three.
OMG OMG OMG OMG EEEK!!! Looks like Tecmo Koei and Namco Bandai are setting sail I'm sooooooo getting that game!!!!
Just checked your link and I must say, it's awesome!! A One Piece game, that's going to play like Dynasty Warriors (i.e hack n slash) it's pure genius on Namco Bandai's part! You won't be the only one getting the game VampireWicked, I'll be getting it as well!! lol
lol I was thinking the same thing! both Dynasty Warriors and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam had/have 2 player split-screen! It would be awesome if it has an online co-op option! maybe we could team up for a game and slay a few pirates! lol
Dedicated "One Piece" Stores Opens in French Virgin Megastore How cool would it be if there were more anime stores opening across the world.
That would be super awesome, (the Virgin Megastore is on to something) I checked the link and read that it had photo ops, how awesome would it be to take a pic with your favorite One Piece character!!!! or even the whole crew!
That would be awesome. Here where i live my mall had a disney store across from a WB store & they closed them both i think. If they put as much effort into anime as they did that then i think there would be tons of fans. Unfortunately places like FYE kinda kept anime fans from buying anime with overcharging, one anime movie 45mins would cost you $29.99 so most stayed away from FYE. Then they like no one is interested in it, like UMD movies remember those, people love movies on the PSP problem was stores like Target K-mart GameStop & so on would sell UMDs for $35.99 when the DVD version was $19.99 with extra behind the scenes.
Yeah, you would think stores would learn from Anime conventions, seeing how many fans come out to them! Yeah, a lot of retailers shut out/try to get over on anime fans because in some cases a anime fan is willing to spend a lot of money on their fav anime!! (FYE, Hastings, etc...) Yeah UMD's were very cool, they even had anime ones, but it's just as you said, why buy a $35.99 to $40.00 UMD without any special features, when you can buy a DVD for virtually half of that with special features! All anime and eastern (JP) games are taboo, both in hollywood and the western (NA) gaming industry! The western market doesn't want to see anime/eastern movies and games outsell theirs!
Yea i know but it's kinda sad when hollywood remakes the same movies 3times or glorifies movies like twilight, it's really easy to run towards anime then.