I had an idea for a new kind of furniture: patterned rugs. Like a photo frame you could buy a rug and attach a photo for it - art for the floor! A good way to personalize your space. You could choose from type (round, square,...) and texture (rough, matte, smooth,...) of rug then fill in the picture you want. Any other furniture ideas out there?
I'd like to change the floor scheme in some of my spaces. And maybe change the colour on some of the sofas and chairs. The wall lights are a good idea. It would also be nice to change the wallpaper - like in harbour studio
like 2 c a whole range of ott 60s furniture ... over sized lava lamps , 60s style disco lights , those big bubble chairs ..... i talking austin powers style here people YERRRRR BABY , maybe some clothes 2 go with it love a big pimp hat and cane
Lol! My parents had one of those! That would look sooo flashy in my weekend log cabin - my REAL one that is! Hahaha!!
Bean-bag chairs, funky pattern rugs, you name it. They already did some funky 60's style wallpaper for the studio apartment, so why not?
If you look back at videos from like E3 2007, they show some real nice items in personal spaces. Its a shame they seem to be going to waste on a PC somewhere in the Home Dev room.