Thanks Jo!! that would be excellent!! I really appreciate you hosting this. I'm glad. Unfortunately for me, Youtube limits my files to 15 minutes. Art, It's the same size. But the audio is slightly less quality. 120 instead of 192 bitrate. That was an accident, I didn't realize my file defaulted to the default setting during processing. And the encoder to mp4 program added a slight blur when things moved on the screen. I would have shut that off if I could. But on the other hand, I added a small section before the concert. You got to see the avatar walk from the apts opening in Home Square up to the Valkyrie statue and teleport over. And I added subs there too.
Oooo, oki, with that added bonus walk from apt to the big Valkyrie statue then I would have to download it again once I get my new PC. ^^ Its the Extended Edition with the new Macross Concert video ..hee hee
This is the first time I checked this thread. :wow: Big Job, Big Results ! :wow: Way to go guys. FF, you are as mad as a hatter. :: Was very nice to link to Jo's youtube channel from the get go. Thank you.
Never underestimate the value of my threads. ;D Glad you liked the movie. I'm happy everyone is enjoying this.