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Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by DCS, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Well just got my SFIII game from Sony. LOL!

    Haven't had much time to check it out yet.

    But for those of you who also got this game? What have u found in the game? Like unlocks or Surprises?

    Let us know?

    By: DCS
  2. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Hey DCS, I knew you gonna pick up SFIII Third Strike..LOL..I will buy it when goes down in price. I like the art style, but on and off with SF series. I am hoping as well there is some HOME unlockables too, well, more Ts that is. :p
  3. DCS

    DCS Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Nah it seems like Capcom is done with Home item's so don't count on any games having Home item's at this point. it does have Trophy's if u like those. LOL!

    and u know it has online play if u like playing online.

    And it's in HD who doesn't like HD... LOL!

    other than that well it's still SFIII was never a fan of that game. It always felt like it was made to be a different fighting game and they just stuck the street fighter name on it and includes ryu, ken, chun li, akuma just to make people think it was a SF game... I think whoever made this game to start with didn't make it to be a SF game and the title and other sf characters were added later to make it seem like one.

    But now allot of SF3 characters have been put in SSF4:AE so it makes them now seem more part of Street Fighter now than they were when SF3 was first out... LOL!

    Anyways u look at SFIII it is still a fighting game to say the least. And if u like fighting games well then SFIII is a must for fighting games fans...


    By: DCS
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