This weeks SCEJ Home stores update (Sorry about the delay, PSN work stopped me being able to access the needed data) 11th August 2011 A total of 46 new items this week
Karakase ornament is now available in the Edo shooting gallery today, among the one-eyed First Priest and Red Demon ornaments.
which is the karakase? I got the red ogre guy, the priest, the umbrella and two glowing balls. The glowing balls are only avaialble at night.
Kasa Obake (傘お化け[SUP]?[/SUP], "umbrella ghost"), or Karakasa Obake or Karakasa Kozo, are a type of Tsukumogami, a folk legend about a form of Japanese spirit that originate from objects reaching their 100th year of existence, thus becoming animate. Karakasa in particular are Spirits of Parasols (umbrellas) that reach the century milestone. They are typically portrayed with one eye, a long tongue protruding from an open mouth, and a single foot, generally wearing a geta. Pretty much, they are friendly obake, sometimes tricksters on mortals, but not entirely evil. However, they can be angered and can band together with other Karakasa spirits against any mortal that treats their like possessions wrongly by haunting them until they learned their lesson.
Thanks again, Firefly. Yeah, I've played the NA version - so I roughly know how play it. lol Regarding, the El Shaddai rewards; do you need to purchase the clothes and companions before the 1st of September?
Omg, Granzella's stuff are pricey; can't believe they charge 200yen for a katana that looks similar to Nobunaga's free reward. Most of their items are priced at 200yen except for feet items.
Yes, you need to buy them before September 1st. If you had bought them before the promo, however, you will still get the companions. Faga confirmed this for me. And the Nelphim are two different items - the 300 Nelphim is an ornament and the 350 Nelphim group is the companion. Some other videos on Karakasa:
Yes, you can find them located under rewards under Disgaea (Evil Netherworld Institute). All you need to do is gain 12 points or more during 5 rounds and you'll win the shirt playing Millionaire Hell. I like playing Millionaire. EDIT: Never mind. I looked for it and couldn't find it under SCEJ Rewards category. It's actually a black shirt with purple wings on the back, and a gray image of the Prinny on the front.
I have the nephilim companions, they are cute and people love to talk about them. there was a cute group in the aquarium in new years wear and capcom crowns that were enamored by them, one cutie got down on one knee and did the come hither emote while blowing kisses at them. it was so cute and i wish I could take out my camera, I like both costumes and the hair that comes with them. the blond hairdo is actually a pleasing shade most girls would like and it really looks like curly hair. cant wait to get all the goodies that come for purchasing!
I have the nephilim companions, they are cute and people love to talk about them. there was a cute group in the aquarium in new years wear and capcom crowns that were enamored by them, one cutie got down on one knee and did the come hither emote while blowing kisses at them. it was so cute and i wish I could take out my camera, I like both costumes and the hair that comes with them. the blond hairdo is actually a pleasing shade most girls would like and it really looks like curly hair. cant wait to get all the goodies that come for purchasing!
Lucifer's bundle is really nice...I know someone who has it and I just wanna pounce them ;D I actually considered getting it for my male but, I'd never use it
Oh, I see. Sorry. Actually, I fouud out something that's different. Looking at the pictures, it seems 2 of them are ornaments, and the other 2 are companions. So, they're not all companions.
If your talking about the Sept. 1 rewards, then it's all ornaments. Also the apple is most probably the same thing.
Oh, I see. So the rewards are actually in the promo pic on the Home Navigator? I see some apples like thingies and a Nephilim that has a ring behind it. lol
LOL, the Nephilim that's about to eat an apple's funny. Thanks a lot, Dan. But, wow; looks like you'll have to wait till the 16th to get the redeem code/s.
Kujo wrote in the creator's diary some ideas he has in mind. It hasn't been finalized so it may get scraped anytime, but he wrote that he would like to get all of them out somehow. ãšã£ã“ã‘é©å‘½æˆ¦å£«ãŸã¡ã®å¥®é—˜æ—¥èªŒ | Granzella Homepage This is a mixture for standalone games and PS Home so I don't know which belongs to which. 1)スコップ shovel 2)ウェディング wedding 3)破壊衝動に満ちた未知の生命体 living creature that has an urge of destruction 4)鬼 Demon or Oni 5)新型戦闘機 new type of war aircraft 6)鉄火巻 tekkamaki (sushi) 7)機械を使わずに空を飛ぶ機構 some type of system that makes you fly without using any machine 8)鎖かたびら chain mail (armor) 9)注射器 syringe 10)ピンボール pinball 11)マンモス mammoth 12)宇宙人 alien 13)シャンデリア chandelier 14)タバコとマッチ cigarette and matches 15)戦車 tank 16)ラーメン屋の娘 daughter from ramen store