Certainly not cheap. Hair, top, bottom, shoes and sword are 800 Yen. They certainly don't believe in bundle pricing.
Aww, that's it? *Lame, but I might get one of the outfits.* I was expecting like a huge amount of feudal japan era items and clothing. I wanted a pet of the umbrella goblin...but at least there's a figure of it from the dart game** ***Also, yeah, looks like Granzella is keeping up Irem's stupid tradition of overpriced 400 yen yukatas -_-
I agree Kane. I think having separate threads like with the aquarium are a good idea. Jumping into a mega thread like this really makes it difficult for newbies as well as reducing the option of updating the OP with information that most will find meaningful rather than to have to dig though pages of posts. I know personally I'm a bit on overload when it comes to following forum threads these days and don't really spend enough time to know what is going on. I've been personally relying more on the chat box but that certainly means I miss a lot of useful information.
Thanks fa-ga. Some (JP?) events/mini-games should possibly have there own threads. Maybe, started by someone (FA-GA !!!) who can translate and update the OP, because often people will join late and ask similar questions that have been asked since there is little organization when the discussion becomes scattered thoughout a regional thread. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) . I deleted my post above and reposted it replying to correct post.
The new Granzella space is amazing. Just a few quick comments: It's huge. There appears to be a day and night cycle. There are games and free prizes as at Irem Square. I picked up a wooden katana (believe it's called a bokken) just by walking around. I also spent 400 yen on a new Granzella yukata that looks like an improved version of an Irem yukata. No buyer's remorse here. As for the bath house, there are avatar animations upon entering and leaving, and modesty is preserved. Upon entry your avatar is automatically clothed in a bathing towel, which you get to keep upon leaving. Edit. Aw, we're not supposed to keep the bathing towels? But my avatar never looked so good!
Thanks, Firefly. I just realized you can earnd 10pts for every round of the Millionaire Game you win. In regards to Yoshikawa's post: Do you need to buy the El Shaddai items to earn rewards in Sept?
In answer to your question Phunky, yes. And the code will send via PS3 PM just like the LocoRoco companion I believe.
I'm going to head there now. Tired of dealing with juveniles here in NA. Be great when school starts so many of them won't be on during the day.
No, public space. JP Home, NA Home, and HK Home all have them - just search under the Irem tab in the Navigator. I went to Edo (feeling like Marty McFly, except I'm wearing samurai clothes from the old Irem), and I must say I had a blast from the feudal days of Japan. Very nice layout, loads to see and walk around, and even rewards for your first visit. Here's a few rewards I've found from Peerke's assistance: Go inside where the lavatories are (it's in the middle of the area, where the big door is open) and find some posts. These are small rickshawed dummies with messages on them. Click X and you'll get a bamboo sword reward (hand item). Go inside the bathhouse and you'll change suddenly when you step in. You'll be awarded with a bathing towel around you for bathing (male/female outfit), and for going outside. No one's looking at you funny... I swear.... Then, finally, there's the shooting gallery. You'll need to go right around a corner for this one, passing by a big well (that's a hidden yokai right there), and around another corner on your right. You should see a small festival with food stands. Head up and you'll see the shooting gallery on your right. Play and win all 3 rewards. I also do believe the rewards change every day like Irem Square's Shooting Gallery, by reseting the day under your XMB.
I met with Art a few minutes ago and we had an interesting conversation to do with the new clothes and how they have star ratings and at the end of the video which show monsters, which leads us to believe that there will be some kind of demon fighting game at some stage (possibly in September? which is the other date shown) I checked the bamboo sword description and that has a *- rating, the new sword that you buy has a *+ rating. What do you guys think? and can someone that understands Japanese confirm what the ratings are for? Thanks
The weapons that irem sold had a similar rating. You can use the Irem weapons for battle in the gekito meadows battle. At least for a few more weeks. I expect that a battlefield for Edo is coming...
Phunky, here are the guides I made for the japanese millionaire game before it was ever in english. you can probably find a better translation in HK. But if you are stuck, this should help. BTW guys, the new granzella reward item is NOT exactly a sword. It's a SHINAI. A bamboo practice sword. Commonly used in Kendo. You can google shinai for more info. This is not to be confused with a bokken, which is a sword made out of hard wood.
peakvox labs coming on the 8/25. Official page [peakvox labs]PS®Home | peakvox nothing extra aside from the pv that we saw.