We still up for this? I know a majority of us were Ray hunting today and still at least one, two shots, if not all three of it. I can still make the Capcom quiz meet tomorrow at 4, 4:30pm PST if were down. Hopefully Faga can make it as well. We're useless without a translator lol.
It'll give people a break from the Aquarium at least. But true, we cannot do much without a translator :/
At times like this I wish I could buy PS3s for all my Japanese-speaking friends and recruit them to help out with these minigames. They all have PS2s (some from Japan) and Wiis but for some reason won't pick up a PS3. Anyway I'm planning to come and know at least one other person who wants to.
I'm meeting tarazuma in the capcom lounge at 7pm eastern. I can ask purebloodlove if she can come and help, she showed up in item headquarters asking if she was needed as a translator while I was talking with teriyaki_soba. most people said they would be back when we finished on friday.:smile:
I hate to even ask, but if faga and a few others would be willing to try for 3rd chibi again I would appreciate it. Its not THAT big of a deal, but it would be cool to have the complete set. I dont know what the schedule is, but maybe we just try again when some people are around in JP. Thx to faga and everyone for making the first 2 possible.
Last week went by the usual schedule, but this week it isn't. So I'm not sure what's coming next. I'll try to make it for tomorrow or the next day, if people are around.
I'll join in, should be back from my class by then. Just make sure anyone who needs Smile makes sure they come Oh, and thanks again for trying on Eri's suit with Shery's hair. I had to convince someone the combo you used with her hair and Bayonetta glasses looked like Katherine...or at least it did to me -.-
Thanks again for the cool goodies Faga and Santa, It was nice to see everybody who posts on the forums! look forward to more Chibis and meeting more members again, someone please post when the next meet will be.:redface:
I think we're going to try and meet again today at the same time as yesterday. The schedule got changed up yesterday and it gave out Happy before the reset, then Cool after the reset. So today with the new reset it should give out Smile, the one in pink PJs. I'll make it and be a body if an extra is needed. Btw Faga = Santa, same person
It shouldn't take too long I hope to get the rewards before and after the reset. It went by pretty fast yesterday. Hope there's another meeting today at the same time! 4:30PM PST. ;D
Thanks again everyone! especially Santa for showing up and helping the most. after the meet I took a few new friends to my place for sevens table and we all got the companions, it's not as hard as it sounds to get them at all. I'm happy to share my table for anyone who would like the goodies, my table is yours anytime guys!
Oooo I'd love to get the rewards from the Sevens table Steve. I'll message you next time I see you on and see if you're free. Thanks! ^.^
Hi guys, I'm interested in the Chibi companions as well. Can anyone help me with Capcom Quiz? I am usually available to play at around these times: 8am-12am and 3pm-8pm (Japan Time) Thanks
We generally like to do it around 5PM PST. That's when the area switches rewards. So you can get two rewards in a short time. Obi needs hers too. She has one, but needs the other two.